Feeling Guilty About Shining Your Light?

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Most people today struggle to see their own talents. When they look in the mirror all they see is someone who is too late to the game, too old to start over, too young to be taken seriously, too average to be unique, or too creative to fit into a world of normalcy.

Whatever the excuses, they are actually false truths. These false truths act as blinders to our own gifts. And these blinders prevent us from seeing our strengths. We are convinced that we’re born with too many shortcomings and weaknesses.

Sadly, what most commonly happens is we deny our own natural gifts and talents thinking we aren’t good enough, talented enough or smart enough. And because we disown or belittle ourselves, we then project our light qualities onto someone else who we deem worthy.

We easily put our best energy into building up someone else and cheerleading their dreams. Leaving ourselves abandoned and feeling incredibly devalued.

The truth is, it’s time to shift this thinking. It’s time to take all that amazing, high-voltage energy we so easily give to others and place it back on ourselves.

How do you do this? Is there a secret? Keep reading my friend because it’s easier than you think.

Imagine… that for 24 hours, you were gifted a whole new view on life. Instead of seeing shortcomings, road blocks or missed opportunities, you saw only experiences of good fortune, good judgement and lucky breaks.

Seem too far fetched? Like there’s no way this could ever happen to you?

Well, what if I told you that you just found Aladdin’s lamp and there’s no limit on wishes? Or, that a magical serum was yours for the taking? All you have to do is drink it and for one whole day luck is on your side

Everything will literally go your way. People are willing to help you out. You only see what’s going right in your life. You have a Yes to Life attitude that is intoxicating.

Sound to good to be true?

Well, there is an amazingly powerful Angel Card I’d like to introduce you to that literally emobodies manifesting at its highest vibration. For a few more minutes, suspend your thinking and join me in discovering how this extraordinary celestial being can make your life more magical than you ever dreamed.

The Magician, Archangel Raziel, Card 1 from the Major Arcana family.  

One of the most beloved and welcomed cards in any reading. This image represents the Grand Wizard energy of the Archangel realm.  When Raziel shows up make no mistake he is here for a reason. The time has come to seriously ask yourself, what do I want?  

Energetically, this is a powerful time for creating the life of your dreams because of the incredible amount of high voltage of the Magician.  Thoughts becoming things is oh, so true.  

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With this being said it's very important to focus on what you want instead of the old, worn-out thinking of what you don't want.  Use the gift of transformation to shift habitual thoughts of  "nothing turns out in my favor" to "everything is working out for me" and “everywhere I go friendly people keep showing up to help me.” 

Bottom line, whatever you think about expands.  Make that tenfold when the Magician, Archangel Raziel, shows up.

Even if you haven't lived a day in the life of your dreams yet - keep imagining yourself with the feeling of being incredibly happy in the life of your future self.  

The Magician's gift brings instant manifestation so transitions and transformations happen very, very quickly.  Buckle your seat belts and hold on.  Here. We. Go.

Remember to breathe.

His appearance is not something to fear at all.  Quite the opposite.  Archangel Raziel, being the ultimate alchemist, has the natural ability to take the base Earth elements of iron and ore and transfigure them into precious metals and gemstones.

If you think metaphorically for a moment, know that you literally have the magic touch. New projects started will be successful.  You have all the resources you desire.  

Look beyond the need to see everything with your physical eyes in order to believe in its truth. Tap into your inner eye and know that magic and alchemy really are going on behind the scenes.  

Circumstances, assistance, support and guidance are in your favor.  Ideas, hunches and intuitive/ gut instinct feelings are genuine.

Another fabulous message that comes along with the Magician is realizing you already have the skills and the confidence to move forward.  It is not necessary to take any more classes or read any more books.  That will only slow down the process of manifestation.  

Hesitancy will only serve to delay you from walking through the miraculous and enchanted door that is currently open to you.  

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Hold the expectation that you are well prepared for this step.  It's safe and secure. Trust that the accumulated knowledge, learning and wisdom you have gained in your life thus far is more than enough to carry you.

This is a card of action.  Go forth with confidence.  If you need help, receive it with open arms.  Anything is possible!

Remember: do not sell yourself short.  If others can't handle your bright light they need to wear sunglasses!  Seriously.

Shine on my friend, shine on.

What new project or projects are yearning to be started that you are tired of making excuses around?  What is one, small action step you could take today to transform it from thought to physical? 


With love and light,

p.s. Join Joanna’s growing angel tribe community and receive weekly guidance videos, inspiring articles, updates, upcoming events, and be among the first to know about exclusive specials. Click here to join

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