
Does your definition of success have love in it?

We’ve all grown up with a definition of “success.” Often we’ve been told to chase it. Strive for it. Double-down and go after it! We’ve also been told what types of achievements and material objects indicate a truly “successful” life. And, if we’re not living and owning these things then we clearly need to up our game.

Funny thing is, I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees that love and joy are KEY ingredients. I know. I know. This is definitely not what we grew up with and can seem too far-fetched and tinged with rainbow, rose-colored glasses thinking.

Now, before you click away because it seems too unrealistic, I invite you to follow a different storyline with me.

Are you in? I thought so.

The care and feeding of worthiness and self-esteem

What I find interesting about artistic, innovative and creative ideas and talents is that so many people have a very challenging time respecting and acknowledging them.  It's as if we have been downloaded to repeat the negative, shameful habit of feeling embarrassed about these amazing gifts that truly come easily to us.  Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think so.  Stay with me as I expand on this thought for a moment.

Do you scoff at compliments, yet inwardly crave them?

What I find interesting about artistic, innovative and creative ideas and talents is that so many people have a very challenging time respecting and acknowledging them.  It's as if we have been downloaded to repeat the negative, shameful habit of feeling embarrassed about these amazing gifts that truly come easily to us.  Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think so.  Stay with me as I expand on this thought for a moment.