Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed? Meet the Two of Earth

There’s a fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed. This delicate dance of balance is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. The scales are temporarily weighted towards an imbalance between work, home, education or finances. Life has momentarily lost it’s joie de vivre, as the French like to say - our joy for life.

Wondering how to get the scales balanced? Stay with me.

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Two's indicate a decision, a choice, a shift in perspective.  They also call for us to bring a more balanced perspective to a situation.  In this case, the Two of Earth is the epitome of multitasking.  

It can indicate a person who is working multiple jobs or has mounting priorities coupled with mixed feelings of being overwhelmed and underprepared in the process.

It doesn't mean the person is not ready for the busy-ness.  What it typically means is that they are adjusting to all the balls being in the air.  Juggling other people's needs and trying to figure out how to bring their own needs into the mix as well.

Those that are in the beginning or middle stages of self-employment are realizing that they need to make a few changes.  This usually happens because they realize the initial ideas they had for the business need an adjustment.  

Most likely the anxiety of what is happening right now in the present moment was unanticipated during the conceptual phase.  They may need to gather more information or take a course or two to bring themselves up to speed in certain areas of running their own business.

The reminder here is not to give up.  Keep going.  Use discernment as you navigate these new waters.  

Entrepreneurs by nature are required to stay flexible in their thinking and adjust to situations in ways that call for them to summon many of their former traits and skills.  They need to bring all of themselves to the table, not just one or two traits.

If you work for a company or someone else, this card would indicate unforeseen circumstances that are causing stress and anxiety.  

Either way, you have the gift right now of juggling your multiple talents.  The urgent message for achieving balance is to multitask with joy.

You read that right.  Joy.  


In Fairy Tarot and Guardian Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine the images show a young girl with a cautious, focused look on her face.  The Fairy card conjures up a youthful fairy juggling multiple orbs of light with full concentration.  She can do it and do it well.  In fact she is excellent!  

However, the only missing element (and this is Key!) is to bring her own sense of joy to the endeavor to avoid the pitfall of burn-out.  Some of these orbs of light need to be her own hopes, dreams and aspirations.  Not just everyone else's wants, needs and desires.

Recall that this is the suit of abundance, prosperity and education.  Often, when we are multi-tasking the feeling of lack creeps in because we are so busy! 

Inevitably, we will feel anything but abundant.  That's why it is incredibly important to multitask with a positive, affirming attitude.  

View life through the lenses of full-ness instead of busy-ness.

Enjoy your work AND make sure you are taking time to play.  Again, balance is the name of the game here.  Stay in touch with the side of you that loves to laugh, have fun and play.  

Two's indicate choices.  

Make the choice to enjoy your life now, not in a year from now or two years from now.  Not when you win the lottery or get a better job, better house, better spouse, go on vacation, etc...  

Of all the responsibilities being shuffled right now it's of utmost importance to bring your love and joy into the mix.  You are so worth it.

What can you do today to make yourself more of a priority?  What is one thing you can do today to be more joyful?

Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light

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