Why you need the gifts of the Emperor Card

The Emperor is typically pictured sitting on a throne or meticulously crafted chair.  In his right hand is a staff or writing pen.  This represents the power of the written word, the power of intellect and the influence of conscious ruling.  In his left hand the image often shows a heart, an olive branch or a gold ring.  This symbolizes his intention of peace, compassion and the unparalleled ability to attract abundance.

Card 4, the Emperor, in the Tarot Deck is part of the Major Arcana suit.  There are 22 Major Arcana cards and when one of these cards appears in a reading, it means to pay extra special attention to the message.  Most likely your Angels and Spirit Guides have been trying to get the message through to you in more subtle ways, but it has not been working.

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This card represents structure, logic, discipline, organization, having a solid plan, stability, prosperity and efficiency.  What's important to note about the Emperor's placement is it immediately follows Card 3, The Empress.

 She acknowledges the need for creativity and the love of beauty.  Birthing new ideas and acknowledging talents unique to you.  The time is now.

So...when the Emperor shows up, I typically tell clients that their dreams and passions for creativity are ready.  However, any good idea needs a way to implement it.  You can make plenty of money in your dream career, it just needs a tweak in thinking.

Your dreams and visions are accurate - do not doubt this. You have what it takes creatively.  The most needed element now is organization and discipline.  It is a balancing act and one worth respecting.  

We all know that even the most talented and amazing people need a way to get their work out there so the rest of us can find them.  Maybe you are that creative person that usually cringes with just the thought of marketing, advertising and coming up with a plan.

The Emperor acknowledges your hesitation.  He is here to help.  You may feel yourself interested in learning more about Facebook ads, starting a website, getting a booth at a local Art's fair, starting a blog, selling items on etsy or pinterest, playing at a music festival.  

You are advised at this time to gather information from another person who has done well in selling their products and following their dreams.

The idea is that it's not necessary to reinvent the wheel.  The wheel is very efficient and works well.  Seek out counsel from someone you trust.  If there isn't anyone local to turn to, start reading a few blog articles or books, watch webinars, take a few evening classes.

Focus on really turning your creative endeavor into something worthwhile.

The call to action is to shift your awareness from thinking of yourself as just a hobby artist to the much more empowering belief of savvy entrepreneur.  Whenever I see this card I immediately think of and am reminded of Warren Buffett.  

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That guy can literally take a failing business and turn it into a gold mine.  In fact, he has done that repeatedly over and over again.  

He is one of the most respected billionaire's on the planet and definitely has an eye for the long view.  He enjoys the challenge.  He has mentioned in many interviews that what most failing businesses are lacking is structure and a decent, solid plan.

See yourself as a potential gold mine.  Because the reality is that with diligence and taking yourself more seriously you can become incredibly profitable in your dream job, your dream venture.

You are meant to be incredibly creative AND unquestionably successful.  Bring yourself up to speed in the areas you feel are lacking.  The Emperor's energy is here to guide you and fill you with epiphanies and fantastic ideas.  

He will also help connect you to others who can assist you.  They have invaluable experience that they are happy to share.  You only need to seek them out and ask.

What creative or unique ideas have you been wanting to share with on a community or global scale, that would benefit from a surge of the Emporer's guidance?


I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With love and light,

Private 1-to1 Angel Readings

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