The care and feeding of worthiness and self-esteem

What I find interesting about artistic, innovative and creative ideas and talents is that so many people have a very challenging time respecting and acknowledging them.  It's as if we have been downloaded to repeat the negative, shameful habit of feeling embarrassed about these amazing gifts that truly come easily to us.  

Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think so.  Stay with me a bit longer as I expand on this thought for a moment.

Does the following scenario sound familiar?

Someone compliments you on something you've created (be it painted, drawn, sung, crafted, etc...) and instead of thanking them you instead dismiss it and minimize it. 

Even though deep down you are really proud of what you did, there is still a part of you that struggles with accepting compliments.  Part of you doesn't feel you deserve the praise.  And at the same time, you inwardly crave it.

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You might be surprised (or not) to learn that high self-esteem and the courage to express your natural gifts go hand in hand.  That's right.  They are completely intertwined together in a beautiful tapestry.

The kicker is that you cannot wait for someone else to acknowledge your talents.  It really has nothing to do with other people anyway. 

It's the opposite scenario from the one described earlier.  With high self-esteem you would easily thank the person who acknowledged you.    

Because when you know you are putting your creative efforts out into the world, that is all that really matters anyway.  It doesn't have anything to do with anyone else.  They wanted to thank you so allow them that courtesy.  Ironically, with high powered esteem intact we neither crave it or dismiss it.  

Therein lies the paradox.

It's our own job to bring our unique flair to our lives, no matter how large the world.  Whether it's an audience of 1 or 1,000,000 - it really doesn't matter.  

The truth is the more you are tapped into your flow the quicker the dam of resentment, anger and frustration of feeling creatively stifled will burst open.

If you are expressing yourself free from caring what others think, then you are truly rich indeed.  That is the type of inner wealth and abundance that literally cannot be purchased.

Because, you and I both know that there is only one you.  That's right.  The mold was broken after they made you.  We don't all need to be alike, nor should we strive to be.  Mining and exploring the treasures within is the ultimate expedition.

Ponder this question:  What greater pleasure is there than acknowledging and developing your own talent and gifts?

We each have enough talent within us to literally be successful for 20-30 lifetimes.  I know, I know.  That's a pretty bold statement, but it's true.  Think about how curious you were as a child and young adult.  So many dreams.  So many possibilities.  So many directions.

Why limit yourself to thinking you are only blessed and talented in a handful of areas?  Seriously think about that for a moment-- Pretty limiting, right?

  • What if you could encourage yourself to check out the classes you've always wanted to take?

  • Are you willing to see yourself as a multi, multi-talented being that has incredible amounts of potential to share?

  • The truth is life does not need to be a struggle. This is optional and only continues to be a struggle if we habitually act and think in ways that reinforce this belief.

  • When we cultivate a more positive, life affirming attitude towards ourselves and what we have to offer everything changes.

The truth is it takes a lot more energy to be a stuck creative than it does to start playfully expressing your personality.  And, don't let the boring old belief of  "what would people think?" stop you. 

That overly used excuse is way past its expiration date. Honestly.  It is.  So snap out of that trap right away!

Instead, imagine a life where you give respect, time and energy to exploring your more artistic, playful and colorful side.  No more tying up your precious energy reserves in doubt, worry, and anxiety.

No longer letting the inner perfectionist run the show.  Tell the inner Saboteur to take the day off.  No, on second thought why not take a year sabbatical? Send out the clear intention to those inner critics that your mind is now off-limits.

Better yet, give the old habits of self-sabotage, low self-worth and self-judgement an eviction notice.


Now that you have freed up all this amazing space for exploring who you really are, you can be delightfully uninhibited.

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You may be asking yourself, who am I really?  And that's a great place to start. Because, if we are really honest with ourselves we aren't 100% sure we know who that is.  

Our life has most likely been formed around taking care of others or pursuing acceptance by others.  Caught in the cycle of being addicted to swooping in and saving the day.  

Now you might be thinking, isn't that what I'm supposed to do?

Well.  Maybe yes.  Maybe no.

What it really comes down to is evasion.  Are you habitually focusing on everyone else's stuff to keep yourself distracted from getting to know yourself?  Because if you find yourself caught in this loop you are not alone, my friend.

I've found that a lot of folks are actually scared and frightened to develop self-introspection.  And rightly so.  When you've become a pro at people pleasing, being a chameleon or dawning a cape to save the day then the inner search feels daunting and downright overwhelming.

Let's change that story!

The most wonderful, kind and loving gift you can give yourself is to realize that you don't need to prove anything to anyone.  The most important and fabulous relationship you will ever cultivate is the one that you create with yourself.

So, do yourself a favor and begin gently and lovingly looking for what’s going right in your life.  Not what’s going wrong. 

Begin to notice the parts of you that long to be expressed.  Make a commitment to start listening within and giving the respect to your Spiritual growth that is so needed at this time.

You won't regret it.  

I promise.

I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With love and light,

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