Books I love that Inspire Me

Often I am asked by friends, clients and students about books or teachings that have inspired me.  That is an excellent question.  I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by what books they have read AND the books that stay on the shelf evading the donation run.

I am part of a book club in my hometown that I absolutely love.  I joke with Eric that it's a good thing I am part of one because it encourages me to read books outside of my preferred genre of angels, yoga, self-help, motivation and inspiration.  I also typically have anywhere from three to five books I am reading through at any given time.  To say I love the written word is a definite understatement!

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So...without further ado.  I will share with you the books that have made huge impressions on me.  Enough to shift my mind in ways it would otherwise not have shifted.  (Sidenote:  These are not in any particular order.)  

  • The Black Stallion Series by Walter Farley. When I was in First Grade I could barely read or write my name. Not because of a learning disability, rather the Kindergarten teacher I had focused on coloring, playing and nap time. To say my parents were completely caught off guard when I was “the lowest reader in my First Grade class” was an understatement. Thanks to a progressive, thoughtful teacher, Mrs. Jan Pepin, I had caught up with the rest of the class by January. And, as luck would have it, I received a copy of The Black Stallion in the summer between 2nd and 3rd Grade. From the first page, I was Hooked! I ended up reading and owning the entire series. Plus, bought the model horse that was created for the book (if it was available.)

    Thank you to Mrs. Pepin and Walter Farley for inspiring me to become the lifelong lover of books that I am today. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.

  • Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra. This book introduced me to the beautiful teachings of Ayurveda (the medicinal side of Yoga.) Body, mind and spirit are completely interwoven. If one is left neglected, the others suffer. Bringing balance and being mindful of all three areas cultivates thriving health and well-being to a life that previously was lack-laster. Thank you Deepak for opening my mind.


  • The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I have to confess that most of the books I've "read" by Wayne are in the audio format. He typically does not follow a script and allows for free-flowing association with his words. This book opened my eyes and heart to the powerful influence of what we place our attention AND intention on. What we focus on grows. Period. I am ever thankful to the passion and easy-to-follow format of Dr. Dyer's teachings. Thank you for helping me see and experience the power of my thoughts. RIP, my friend.


  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. What can I say with this amazing tome, but wow!? I read this book back when we lived in Alaska and I was doing my Yoga Teacher's Training program. I am a voracious reader by nature. Let's just say that this book- Autobiography- took me a full year to read. It blew my mind with every page. In a good way. But, seriously... this book changed my life in what's possible between realms of existence, the power of the mind and the far reaching effects of Yoga in its expanded teachings.


  • Be Here Now by Baba Ram Dass. Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert) has the gift of taking very complex, esoteric teachings and presenting them in a way that most of us can relate to. He had been a professor at Harvard University in the 1950's. Then, made a life-changing trip to India where he was blessed by his teacher/guru, Maharaj-ji, with the name Ram Dass. This is a book written like no other that I've seen or read. It will definitely expand your mind with layout and illustrations. Thank you Ram Dass for having the gift of sharing your life so openly with others so that we can gain from your first-hand experiences.


  • Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net-Worth by Nancy Levin. I absolutely love Nancy's teachings. The title definitely pulled me in the first time I heard about it. Her open heart and passion for raising our "worthy quotient" has changed my life forever. I actually participated in her Worthy group coaching a few years ago and I can't say enough good things about it. Thank you so much Nancy for guiding and supporting me to live a life I never knew I was worthy of living. Until now.


  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. My list would certainly be incomplete without giving a huge, heartfelt thank you to Louise. This book ignited the spark that turned into a flame for those of us on the path of healing from the inside out. Her simple, easy-to-follow teachings are deceivingly powerful. I especially appreciate the last chapter. This is Louise's own personal story. Double wow.


  • Left To Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza. I was fortunate enough to see Immaculee speak live a few years ago at a Hay House event. Her story of survival, the power of prayer and ultimately her path of forgiveness are permanently etched into my mind. She is a Rwandan genocide survivor whose story will captivate you from the first page. If you ever have a chance to hear her speak, you will feel as if you are in the presence of a Saint. I feel this must be similar to what people felt in the presence of Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Her energetic vibration is beyond words. I cried the entire time I heard her speak. Not tears of sadness. These were tears of compassion, hope and understanding of the human condition. Thank you Immaculee for having the courage to share your story.


  • Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani. Anita's story is absolutely amazing. Her experience of death, remembering her purpose and the power of sharing this event is enough to make any skeptic a believer. She has the gift of bringing her "other-side" experience to us in a way that we feel as if we are there with her. I don't know what else to say other than Read This Book! You will love it. Thank you Anita for coming back from the other side and helping us remember what it is we came here to be.

I could go on and on.  For now, I will leave you with these beautiful nuggets from others who have so bravely shared their stories and followed their hearts to publish.  There will always be a special place in my heart for those who have the courage to become the change they wish to see.

What book has had an impact on you?   Share in the comments below.  We'd love to see what has rocked your world (in a good way.)

Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light

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