Are you ready to let go of your past?

Have you ever wondered: What if. . . it’s my future self that is walking me towards it, not my past self pushing me? Most of us, I imagine, have been strongly influenced by the thinking of past events being what catapults and motivates us forward. And to a point, I believe this is true.

However, I am also of the opinion that as we move through life there comes a time where we arrive at the realization that our past is literally complete.  Not in a macabre, dark sense.  What I mean is the knowledge, reasoning and intellectual pursuits that once gave us so much satisfaction are no longer enough for us. We have outgrown them.

We are shifting and changing into a completely different person.  The one that longs for excitement and growth, yet not fully developed, but nonetheless has a stronger pull on the heart.

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A big clue, if this is where you are at, is that the dissatisfaction with your current life has gone from a dull murmur to a loud roar.  No matter how much you try to convince yourself that it's nothing or you are making things up, it just won't go away.

The truth is that a higher, more fuller expression of yourself is the one that is trying in earnest to wake you up.  No more hitting the snooze button of your life, so to speak.  

Time to wake up to your life.

When you choose to live your life forward, you are in essence encouraging yourself to walk in a direction you do not know yet.  This is scary and exciting, but mostly exciting.  

When you realize that your future self is the one calling to you to take a step forward, you can walk with more confidence.  Even though it is most likely an area you have absolutely no previous experience or mastery in.

Think about it this way.  

  • Why would your Higher Self ask you to continue learning even more about an area you are already well studied and knowledgeable in?

  • Answer: You would inevitably over-ride it with logic and rational thinking and completely turn off your inner guidance. Defeating the whole point of heightening your connection to your Higher Self.

  • If you were already a more spectacular version of yourself, do you think you would have an easier time getting through to your current self by working in an area you already knew? Or, would you coax yourself to trust, have faith and follow a new path full of previously unknown talents?

  • Answer: You got it! Of course you would pick a new, more adventurous road to follow. Because trusting and having faith would be your new compass. You would learn to feel your way through the situation, not think your way around it.

Do you see the difference?

Let me share from my own experience, to help connect this new way of living.  

I have learned to take this advice from my Higher Self for my own journey.  Saying Yes to the unknown has definitely come as a shock, yet it is incredibly effective for a recovering Perfectionist and Need-to-know everything-before-I-make-my-next-move person. 

When I first started dabbling in Tarot and Oracle Cards I thought I simply had a casual interest.  Nothing more.  However, the more interest I gained the more deeply they spoke to me.  I started devouring books and classes on Tarot and the history of both Tarot and Oracle Cards.  

It was not something I had been setting goals on at all.  In fact, my goals at the time had to do with horses and growing my professional horsemanship knowledge base. Absolutely nothing to do with the realm of spiritual guidance through cards and images.

My curiosity and understanding of Tarot cards started to spread until pretty soon people were asking me to do readings.  Once I said Yes, (a pure act of Faith let me tell you!) it was amazing.  The messages, images and everything just came through so clearly, it's as if I was born knowing.  I was able to give extremely accurate, meaningful and valuable readings.

Just to be clear, I am without a doubt not taking full credit.  It is definitely me doing the readings, but it's also not me.  The Higher version of myself is the one that comes through and basically takes over.  

And, because this was happening to me and not to someone else I naturally became more curious as to what was developing.  That's when I came across a talk of Caroline Myss' about reaching this tipping point, so to speak.

Caroline mentioned that for those that are truly on the mystical/spiritual journey of wanting to know themselves more deeply, you will come to the awareness that it is your future self calling to you.  Because, there really isn't anything left to learn in how you've been living your life up until now.

You earned the gold stars.  Got the A+.  Received the awards.  Got the raise.  Earned the promotion.  And yet... it isn't enough.

Walking within is the way.  It has always been the way.  You are now called to walk through the threshold, the veils between the worlds.  

Moving from the world that you have been living in.  The one you know forwards and backwards, inside and out.  

To the new world that holds unlimited possibilities. Limitless probabilities.  The one you know absolutely nothing about in your mind's mind, but your heart's mind already knows.  Has always known.

The thing about living life forward is not to be afraid of the support and adventure that awaits.  This is where you will learn to have your own back.  Be the cheerleader for every step forward that you do take.  

Just the smallest step ahead inevitably gives you the momentum and energy to keep walking.

Instead of criticizing yourself, you begin to consciously support any improvements you do make.  You begin to more consistently think about what you are doing well.  You ponder intuitively the next class you'd like to take, book you'd like to read, seminar you'd like to participate in.  

Instead of letting the mind and intellect run the show, you begin to allow your heart and intuitive guidance to have center stage.

The key here is to begin to feel your way through life.

And, I do mean that in the deepest sense.  When thinking about what you want to do next, first ask your inner Self what to do.  Close your eyes and drop your awareness to your heart.  What does it say?  When it answers, follow the guidance.

It will take some getting used to.  But, I'm telling you that it's worth it!  

As the famous Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke once wrote, "live the questions now." Rilke continues to inspire and encourage us to go out and live the life we were born to live.

You are so, so worth it!

With love and light,

p.s. Join Joanna’s growing angel tribe community and receive weekly guidance videos, inspiring articles, updates, upcoming events, and be among the first to know about exclusive specials. Click here to join

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