Motivation vs. there a difference?

A biographer of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tells a story given to him directly from Mozart. A would-be student came to Mozart one day and said that he wanted help writing symphony's. To this Mozart asked if he'd written any yet. The would-be student said no. Mozart goes on to say that since the student was young yet it would be good to start with minuets. The student, pressing Mozart, says.. No. You don't understand. I want help with writing symphony's, not minuets. 

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Mozart reiterates that he would recommend minuets. Once these are solid, then move on to symphony's. The student, getting more anxious, said he didn't understand. Why should he have to start with minuets when Mozart, at only nine years old, started with Symphony's? To this Mozart replied, "the difference is that I never had to ask anyone how to do it."

The most amazing part of this Mozart story is that he didn't reply from ego or inflation of ego. He said it simply and matter-of-factly. Mozart went on to tell his biographer of being woken up at all hours of the night by "lively dreams."

Entire symphony's played in his mind and he could hardly get them written down fast enough. There were often times during his waking hours when he literally had to stop whatever he was otherwise doing. The waking dreams so alive in his mind.

"The morning breeze has secrets to not go back to sleep."


What does this have to do with inspiration and motivation? Everything. Inspiration is a force bigger than you that calls to you. It has to be seen or heard. It needs you to bring it to life. And, always in a way that speaks directly to you--be it music, art, words, invention, creation, idea.  

It's literally where an idea gets hold of you and you follow it where it leads. This is a very spiritually aligned calling that has no agenda from you. All you know is that you have to follow it to its end--where ever that may be. 

Motivation, on the other hand, is just the opposite. This is where you grab hold of an idea and follow it to the end. An end that you have decided upon. By sheer force, will- power and strength you will do whatever it takes for however long it takes to see it through. This comes straight from the ego's desires.

Often they are ideas or an idea that we had impressed on us in childhood. Or, we saw someone else achieve a dream that we decided we wanted. And, in doing so, we push ourselves, stay up long hours, make lots of sacrifices, move our way up to the "top." Anyone in our way simply needs to outmaneuvered. 

Sleep becomes a luxury. Health gets put on the back burner. Friends and family simply need to understand and wait it out. This is our dream. Our goal. It becomes the most important thing in our entire world. 

Thus begins a very dangerous and slippery slope. Our body can only take so much sleep deprivation before it becomes prone to illness. Our mind can only take so much over-stimulation and drive before it begins to falter and short out. Our health eventually suffers and the immune system becomes compromised.

Most of all, once we reach our "goal" there is no one there to enjoy it with us. We've dismissed others along the way or diminished their importance to the point that they would like to be anywhere in the world, but with us.

The goal attained is not at all what we expected.

Inspiration, on the other hand, is a calling from a realm deep inside us. Inspiration comes from the latin word inspirato -- meaning "of spirit."

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No one is making us do anything. It's spirit moving through us. It is powerful. We know, without a doubt, we must work with this higher calling. 

Most of us raised with the tenets of Western Civilization had motivation impressed upon us at a young age. We may become curious around this concept of inspiration. It sounds wonderful, but how can I possibly tap into it? What does it feel like? Look like?

Many of the mystics, sufis and swamis of the Near and Far East wrote poems and stories about this space of mystery. Making time during our day for 15 - 20 minutes to simply quiet our minds from the chatter of the day helps us drop into the heart center.

Sometimes called the hearts's mind which is much wiser in connecting to spirit than our mind's mind.

I am hesitant to label this time of quieting so I will leave it to you, beloved reader, to put a phrase around it that feels comfortable to you.

This gap or space in our day that is dedicated to tapping into our higher connection is very powerful. Our heart's mind is always synched up to this realm of higher vibration. This vibration is the energy of inspiration.  You may even find that you are awakened at a certain time every night or in the early hours of the morning. This is amazing!

Follow this guidance. Get up. Write down what comes to mind. This is the song of your soul singing to you.

Whatever time of day that inspiration sings to you, listen. Write ideas down. Paint.  Sketch. Move. Whatever feels right to you in the moment-- just follow it.

Trust that what you are receiving is inspired energy. You will know it's right because it will feel completely different than anything you've felt before.  

Most of us already have heard the song of the soul throughout our lives. The problem is we have turned down the volume. Start to turn it up higher and higher... and higher still.  This is the most beautiful song that was meant just for you. Just. For. You.

As Rumi reminds us, "the morning breeze has secrets to tell... do not go back to sleep. Do not go back to sleep."

Sweet dreams, my friends...

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