Do You Have a Soft Spot for Anything Old School?

old school - anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect.  Can be used to refer to music, clothing, language or anything really.  (Urban dictionary)

I love using the term old school.  For me it signifies values, memories or a love for things that resonate feelings of who I am on the inside that perhaps I find more challenging to invoke on a regular basis now.  

I've been known to use old school when referring to technology, music, movie plots, books, decorating, recipes, board games, etc...  

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Remember the old Polaroid cameras that printed up a picture within minutes?  The Polaroid camera was such a trailblazer, right?  The photo would come out with the white paper frame where you could write information underneath it, capturing that moment in time.

Admittedly, technology now is mind-boggling and taking pictures on phones is commonplace.  

I recently was at a party where several people started sharing memories via photos of images that resonated with them deeply.  It's a way to capture a moment in time that is meaningful- and it can be shared with others.  

Passing around phones is definitely "new school" but has its roots in the traditional way of sharing paper photos.

This is just one example that comes to mind easily.  When I think of old school it is typically in reference to something that is meaningful to me. Other times it's because I might be overwhelmed and dazed from the ever increasing pace of today's world.  

What I really want is a good "slow down."  Or for something to be less complicated and more user-friendly.

Sometimes old school memories make me laugh to myself.  Especially when I think of the old home movies on VHS tapes.  The clarity is not that great, but it doesn't seem to matter because for a few minutes I am transported back in time when I was easily entertained.  

How about the old tape cassettes that fit into the yellow Sony Walkman's?   Now you're talking!

I don't know about you, but I find myself feeling conflicted at times with the use of handheld devices (i.e. smart phones, etc..etc...)  People have an ever increasing addiction to needing their phone near them, answering the electronic leash whether it beeps, dings or swooshes.  

In an act of full disclosure, up until a few months ago, I still used an "old school" flip phone.  Did I get unlimited texting?  Yes.  Does it work to talk to people?  Yes.  Does it have internet access to it? No!

I know.. I know... you probably made an audible gasp of horror.  Maybe you got an eye twitch or broke out in a cold sweat.  Let me explain my allure and love for it.  Why I held on to it for sooo long.

It's simple.  It's easy to use.  No one over the age of 10 wants my phone so I do not run any type of risk of having it stolen.

If I really needed to use internet features I could wait until I was home where there’s plenty of technology at my fingertips.  

Before you grab a paper bag to breathe into - just at the thought of holding onto an oldie, but goodie relic… Can you imagine life without a smart phone?

Perhaps you absolutely LOVE your phone and absolutely have to have it with you. That is totally cool.  I respect that.  Perhaps you need it for your business?  Or, to be reachable to close friends and loved ones?

The rub comes in when you choose to be on your phone over the live person you are spending time with.  I personally find it very rude and discourteous if I'm out with someone for coffee or lunch or something and the phone always has the upper hand.  

How can any type of quality conversation happen when the dialogue is constantly hijacked by technology?

What I typically do is put my phone on mute.  Or, I turn it off while I'm with someone.  I decided several years ago that if I am out with someone, then I will give them my full attention.  If I am preoccupied and have a lot going on, then I can reschedule.

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So, my "old school" roots show through again and again.  I believe there is a time and a place for everything.  With newer, shinier, tempting objects comes the respect to use them wisely.  

I personally find sharing a lovely, heartwarming conversation with someone at the top of my list for wonderful memories.  Don't you?

Now don't get me wrong, I am not totally against new school.  I love having the internet at my fingertips.  I can pull up Pandora and listen to all my favorite songs.  Or, I can log onto an on-line Radio station and listen to a favorite talk-show host.  I'm constantly amazed at the close knit world we live in.

However, I do find myself monitoring the time I am "plugged in".  

I thoroughly enjoy a paperback or hardback book, the feel and texture of the pages are like nectar to my soul. I definitely have a soft spot for jazz, swing and big band music. You can find me renting DVD's from Redbox and frequenting the local Library for movies, books, audio books, documentary's and popular TV series.  

I also enjoy feeding and taking care of the horses.  Petting and hanging out with the cats. Spending time out of doors technology-free revitalizes me quicker and faster than most anything else.  

What about you?

What does old school mean to you?  What do you value about yourself that is steeped in nostalgia that just can't be replaced by the bells and whistles of today's world?

Leave a message in the comments section below.  I would love to read your thoughts.

Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light,

“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

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