Angel numbers are angel messages

Have you had the experience of seeing the same number sequence over and over?

Me, too.

Perhaps it's in the same day or within a few days.  Maybe you wake up and its 5:55 a.m., then later in the day you see 555 on a license plate.  Then, that evening you happen to look at your clock and it's 5:55 p.m.  Hmmm... is something bigger going on here? 

Most of us have been trained and schooled to think of this as pure coincidence or just random happenstance. However, I've come to learn and appreciate the deeper meaning in these number messages.

How often have you seen 11:11 or 111 displayed on your stovetop clock, phone, digital clock or the license plate in front of you at the stoplight? According to angel communication through numbers, it literally means you are connected to and in touch with the Divine.  

Angel Pro Tip: Profound teachings are often surprisingly simple.

Can you honestly say that you feel 100% connected to a power higher than yourself every moment of every day?  If you are like most of us mere mortals, I would gather to wager that there are many times you seriously doubt it.

Like me you probably feel a sense of relief and joy that you really are connected and helped every step of the way.  Number messages 1:11 and 11:11 are gentle reminders from the Divine realm that we truly are not alone.

So often when I am doing a Private 1-to-1 Angel Reading for a client the topic of messages will come up.  And many times the client will admit they see similar numbers all the time (but thought they were seeing things, going crazy and were too embarrassed to tell anyone else.)  

Many people are completely unaware of this beautiful phenomenon. However, once it is brought to their attention they become more heightened to this uncanny cosmic delivery system.

The best way I can explain what is happening is this. . .

The other side or spirit or angels or higher consciousness (whatever you choose to call it is just fine so work with whatever makes you comfortable) wants to get a message through to you.

Spirit vibrates at pure energy.  We are in physical bodies and vibrate at a much denser state. And, in order for the Spiritual realm to communicate with us it uses the easiest forms of communication available.  This is typically in the form of energy waves invisible to our eyes (i.e. radio frequencies, television waves, digital clocks, cell phones, etc...)  

Sometimes our angels and guides may get our attention by having us look up at just the right moment to "see the time" or "look at the license plate number."

What I always tell people is to take note of the repeating numbers that keep showing up.  Write them down or make a mental note.  Then, pick up my FREE Angel Numbers Guide here. It’s a one-page downloadable pdf guide that is super easy to follow and super helpful.

Read the message.  Then, re-read the message again.  What advice or counsel are you being given at this time?  What rings true or what have you overlooked that you would be wise to pay attention to?

Once you feel you clearly understand the message, mentally or verbally thank your spirit guides and angels.  Now, ask them for a new message.  

You may start noticing new sequences over and over again.  This is great.  The Divine realm feels you have a thorough understanding of the previous message and are ready for more.  

If you still see the same message (which still happens to me pretty regularly) do not lose faith.  This simply means that you would be wise to really take to heart the words and counsel.  Meditate on this advice.  Walk with it.  Journal about it.  Paint the feelings. Sing about it.  Swim, run, dance or ski with it.  Whatever feels right to you, is perfect. 

Just knowing that we have this awareness is fantastic.  Don't be surprised when you start to become highly attuned to more and more number sequences.  This means that the other side can really start to have a great dialogue with you. 

They love communicating with us and are thrilled when we raise our own vibration enough to learn their language as well.  

If you are really struggling with a situation in your life and want guidance around it, you can get the answer.  Close your eyes, take several deep conscious breaths, place your hands over your heart and ask the question,  
What do I need to know about....?

You may hear or feel the answer in your body immediately. You may feel it later in the day when you are even more relaxed. 

You can also ask your Guides to reveal the answer to you through repeating number sequences.  Whatever way you receive the information, trust it.

If you're like me, I start to see numbers that day and into the next day or two.  When I've seen the same numbers 3 times or more I look it up.  More often than not I start laughing to myself or out loud because it's exactly what I needed to hear.

Your Turn:
What numbers have you seen repeated lately?  What numbers have you seen for most of your life and wondered what they meant?  

Well... now you can find out. FREE Angel Numbers Guide

I wish you a week full of magic and miracles.

With love and light,


p.s. Enjoy my new Meet the 15 Principal Archangels guided meditation. This meditation is very beneficial if you want to connect more deeply with the realm of Archangels healing messages. Do this as often as you want. You cannot overdo it so open your heart and mind to this beautiful divine connection. Click here for Archangel Meditation 

p.p.s. Are you curious about whether a Private Angel Card Reading is right for you? Click here to discover more.

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Discover the meaning behind the mysterious repeating numbers you keep seeing. The powerful realm of angels love to communicate in a variety of ways and using numbers is amongst their favorite.