A Solution to Self-Criticism and Self-Judgement

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence, what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Each one of us has a unique set of traits and qualities that is special to us.  Carl Jung, the well-known psychologist, coined the term archetypes that works quite nicely with this discussion.  Much of his work around archetypes concluded that there is one main Archetype that really embodies who we are at our core.

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However, depending on our beliefs and influences other archetypes can deeply influence how the main one is played out in our daily life.

For example, let's say you are an Artist through and through.  This is your essence, your core.  From the way you decorate your home, to the way you dress, to the way you weave beauty, creativity, and flair into all things you do. 

Anyone that meets you always comments on your eye for artistic expression.  It just comes so naturally and effortlessly!

In fact, because you've held these beliefs so strongly throughout your life, your work and ingenious spirit always complemented each other.  You have a lively innovative spirit and plenty of money to support your endeavors.  You truly embody the famous axiom, "do what you love and you never work a day in your life."

As you can see this is the Artist Archetype (or essence) supported by the Empress (prosperity and birthing creative ideas), Master Craftsman (effortlessly channeling beautiful objects/ideas and being well paid for them), and Childlike Wonder (bringing laughter, joy, wonderment and play to life.)

Now, just for argument's sake and to show how having an influential Archetype can playout differently let's look at another Artist.  Most of you will be very familiar with this one so don't be too surprised.

You are a deeply inspired Artist.  You have vivid dreams, images and ideas that paint the palette of your mind and soul.  Like the previous artist, you have the natural ability to bring much needed flair and charm to most everything you touch or have an influence over.

But.  But, you really scramble to make ends meet.  Because you struggle with money and dreams, you tend to give away your pieces of art or barely charge enough to cover the cost to make it.  You would really like to make more money, but it's always had a bad taste in your mouth.  

Often you have to borrow money.  Or, you work a series of side jobs to support the artist inside.  Hoping one day to make your "big break" and be noticed by someone who will manage your financials and do your bookings for you.  

Because this day doesn't come soon enough or when you really need it to, you end up getting a steady yet incredibly unfulfilling job so you can pay the rent.  I guess dreams are just that-- dreams. 

Real artists starve, right? 

That's what you heard over and over as a child and young adult so it must be true.   You consequently stuff the artist down and only paint or create when you have the time.  Ironically, when you do have time you're pretty wiped out and tired from the day.  The cycle continues to where the true Artist you are is relegated to a casual existence at best.  

Never fully flourishing.

Let's look at the supporting influences that so drastically affected this Artist Archetype.  Unlike the Empress from the previous example, we have the Loner (representing isolation and dysfunctional independence).  We also see the Child (not in a healthy expression, rather it's stuck in an immature phase.) 

This version of the Child does not want to grow up and mature, refusing to take care of their own emotional and spiritual growth.  This is likened to the Peter Pan syndrome.

Another archetypal expression is Ignorance.  Not in the sense of deliberately being foolish, rather in the sense of not fully understanding and thus taking gifts for granted.  Not seeing the greatness offered.  The ego (or small self) takes the credit instead of the all important Spiritual self. 

Yet, when we see that it is Spirit working through us not for us, everything changes.  We realize this is not our work, it's Spirits work.  This rare and uncommon endeavor is meant to bring beauty, love, inspiration and hope to others who experience it. 

Big differences between the two Artists, right?  Which one do you identify with more?

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Just to be clear, I am not saying that we all have the Artist as our main essence.  What I am saying is that we can look within and see how other influences might be muddying the waters, so to speak. 

Are we embracing who we really are or are we afraid to fully express it for fear of judgement?

At the end of the day whatever our deepest fears are don't actually have anything to do with others. 

Our fears have to do with how we still view ourselves.  If we are overly critical with ourselves, we will fear that others will be overly critical.  

However, when we see our true essence for what it is-- a gift, then we begin to cultivate a much healthier view of ourselves. 

We worry less and less what others think because we know it's not our work.  We are a channel, a vessel, a carrier of an amazing spark that has the potential to light up our world and the world of others.

So, what is your true essence?  What gifts have you been given?    Share your thoughts in the comments section below.  We'd love to read about them.

I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With love and light,


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