Angel Wisdom for the Moon Card

Heightened intuition. Vivid dreams. Strong inner guidance. Powerful connection and clarity from insights. Accurate internal messages. Sensing the truth of a situation. Trusting yourself over others for knowing just what to do.  

Starting to sound familiar?  As you can see from these short descriptions, the Moon card carries a powerful message to go within and stay tuned to yourself over others.

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There are 22 Major Arcana cards in an Angel Tarot deck.  The Moon card, number 18, is ruled by Archangel Haniel and represents the house of imagination, dreams, and creative ideas that come from powerful subconscious connection. The most deeply intuitive card in the entire deck of 78 cards, the Moon represents a call to listen strongly to your psyche.

Trusting your own gut feelings over others is of utmost importance.  Sometimes when this card shows up while I'm doing a reading for a client it tells me that they already know they are deeply intuitive and psychic.

Often times it wasn't safe as a child to be this connected.  So, in order to stay safe in their house and environment the natural ability was stuffed way, way down deep.  The richness of the Moon is the gentle reminder that it is now safe to reconnect with this part of yourself. 

You are no longer that child living in that home.  You are an adult and you live in a different time.  You can decide how to live your life.

What you once saw as a weakness, needs to now be seen and honored as a strength.  A true gift.  It's part of who you are and why you think, act and do what you do.  Time to wake up and stop trying to fit in a box.  The Moon does its best work when thinking expansive, dream-like and imaginative - just like you!  

The most important person to admit this to is yourself.  It isn't about anyone else, it is about you and only you.  Your soul has a song that only it can play, only it can sing.  The song is still there, deep inside your heart.  Play the music.  Become the music.

Another meaning that often comes along with the Moon card is the need to let go of worry and fear.  Your Angels and Spirit Guides have recognized the mental habit of allowing stress, anxiety and fearful thoughts to be out of proportion to a situation you are fixated on.  

To remedy this, focus on what is going right in your life instead of what is perceived as going wrong.

Another note of interest is that the Moon card has the image of the water element on it.  First, because it is associated with Pisces - a very watery sign. Secondly, according to symbology, water represents our deep subconscious.  It has much to teach us, especially during this time.  The subconscious and conscious minds are merging together for a fuller, more heightened view of life.

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In my Archangel Power Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine, the beautiful and mystical looking Archangel Haniel (meaning "the grace of God") is shown in front of the moon.  Her color is a silvery blue.  She embodies the gifts of deeply connecting to intuition, heightened psychic abilities and following inner guidance.  

Haniel also governs our dream state.  That is why it's important to pay close attention to guidance, images and signs that show themselves during dreams at this time.  If you are worried you might not remember your dreams, you can ask Archangel Haniel to help remember them.  

Keep a notebook or dream journal by your bed so you can jot down thoughts, images or words as soon as you wake up in the morning.  Preferably before you do anything.  They may not make any sense at the moment, but trust that the meanings will be revealed soon.

Because of this renewed connection to the deeper part of yourself and the joy of discovering / rediscovering who you really are, it's best to keep this to yourself right now.  Not forever, just for now.  You will know exactly what to do in time.  Trust yourself and trust Haniel.  She has your back.

Your Turn: What dreams, intuitive insights and powerful ideas have you had recently that you know are from your Wise Self?

Share your insights in the comments section below. I’d love to hear what’s alive for you today.


With Love and light,

p.s. Enjoy my new Meet the 15 Principal Archangels guided meditation. This meditation is very beneficial if you want to connect more deeply with the realm of Archangels healing messages. Do this as often as you want. You cannot overdo it so open your heart and mind to this beautiful divine connection. Click here for Archangel Meditation 

p.p.s. Are you curious about whether a Private Angel Card Reading is right for you? Click here to discover more.

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