Angel Card Spotlight: 8 of Water (the spiritual quest)


The inner calling. The longing for more out of life. The spiritual quest. The journey you've been longing to take but have been putting off for another time. Or perhaps that longing for more out of life is the one you did not think you were capable of taking.

When I see this card appear in a reading, it tells me there’s no time to waste! Say yes to the journey. You are ready.

What is interesting about the 8 of Summer/Water, the spiritual quest, is it's one that is completely chosen by you. Not forced upon you in any way.  You literally have reached the point where you've outgrown your old, predictable life and are ready for the unknown.  This transition no longer feels frightening or scary. Rather, it holds excitement and curiosity about the future. 

Eights represent the infinity sign turned sideways. Our eyes are open. We take our heads out of the sand, so to speak, and see situations for what they really are.  Not what we've previously chosen to think they are (which is a false illusion - a house of mirrors.)  

Eights symbolize infinite potentials. Unlimited choices. Unlimited beliefs. Anything is possible. The veil has been lifted. The fog has moved away. You can now see the beginning of the path.  

The best way I can explain it is like this:  

The path, the journey, the quest chooses you. You don't choose it. Your heart knows you born for more. So begin. Just take one step forward. Just one. That's all that is required at this moment.

This is the card of the seeker who knows deep down that the journey must be taken.  With that being said just remember, you are never truly alone. You are completely surrounded by Spirit Guides and Angels who support your growth every step of the way.

Another powerful message that comes along with the 8 of Water is that you are finally ready to leave a situation that is no longer serving you. This is the suit of the heart, intuition, and deep emotions. Your inner guidance has much to teach you.

The decision to leave a heavy situation is one that is challenging, no doubt about it.  However, with this empowering decision comes the strong feeling of a weight being lifted off your shoulders.  

It gives you excitement and the sense of relief. Relief from no longer feeling burdened with the emotional weight you've been carrying of trying to fit in with society. No longer trying to fit in a definable box for others.  No longer feeling the need to rescue everyone else.

The transformation is freedom of choice.  The adventure awaits.  And even though you do not know the path ahead of you, the path seems undeniably familiar. The reason for this is because your Higher Self, the fuller expression of who you really are has already started down the path.  

That's right.  Your heart is leading the way.  

You realize that a new dawn awaits you. By saying Yes to yourself and trusting that with every small step you take countless opportunities you previously never dreamed of will manifest easily. If you stay stuck in the familiar, nothing changes.

Again, the 8 of Water represents a change you make on your own. It has not been forced or coerced upon you in any way.  This epiphany is incredibly liberating.  

It's akin to deciding to take the metaphorical jump and realizing that you've always had the wings to fly.  You thought your wings had been clipped, yet come to find out they were simply tucked away under your shoulders. 

You were born to move, travel, see beautiful sights and be vibrant and daring. Moving in small, do-able steps not giant, spooky steps is the key. A to B. B to C. C to D, etc...  Not A to Z in one swoop.  

This is a reminder to congratulate yourself on waking up to your life. 

You may also find that you feel the undeniable urge to actually move locations. Or, change jobs completely to one that is more aligned with beauty and vibrancy.  Following your joy and your heart becomes the priority.  

The journey awaits.  

YOUR TURN: What is one small step you could take today to allow for the fuller expression of who you are to shine through?  

Have a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With Love and Light,


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