Angel Card Spotlight: Queen of Air, drama free and declutter master

Introducing one of my all-time favorite Queens in Angel Tarot- the Queen of Air. In a traditional deck the Air suit is congruent to Swords. Swords embodies our relationship to the realm of the mind, intellect, reason, rational thinking and logic.  No heart based thinking allowed.  

To be fair, some situations in life require us to use our minds to think things through without emotion. Too much emotion can allow us to fall prey to worrying about how our decision would impact others, therefore wandering into the precarious area of sabotaging ourselves so we don’t “rock the boat” and possibly upset someone else.

And in possibly upsetting someone else, we keep ourselves uncomfortable so someone else can be comfortable. Yet once again bend ourselves into a pretzel and jump through hoops in order to try to show how accommodating we are.

Not so with the Queen of Air!

Queen of healthy boundaries and extreme self-care.

A potent formula comes together with the power combination of Queen (Ruler of the High Court) and the attributes of Swords/Air. This Queen, in her light aspect, rules with compassionate authority, benevolence and fierce grace.

The Queen of Air is definitely a force to reckon with, no doubt about it! She has experience. She knows exactly what to do. She has razor-sharp intellect. There is no problem too large or small for her to figure out.

Drama?  She doesn't have any time for it.  At all.

Queens have a lot of energy aligned with them. Their essence lights up any room. They have confidence and wisdom. And depending on their suit, the strengths and characteristics they symbolize are magnified tenfold. 

Often times when I see a court card in the Air family it tells me that emotional based decisions would actually hinder and slow down the situation the client is asking about. 

Quick thinking, trouble-shooting and wit are winning key elements here. Combine inner brilliance and confidence with the energy of a Queen and you have a very dynamic situation or person.

When I see the Queen of Air show up in a reading, I know right away that this person is done with drama!

They realize the high energetic cost of a drama addict is no longer sustainable, nor is it healthy. The old feeling of needing to rescue, save or help everyone loses its pull.  

This Queen opens our mind to the fact that there are people in our life that love to take, but do not give back. And quite frankly, enough is enough!

Because this has perpetually left you feeling low-energy and in an undeniably heavy mood you know something is way off.  With the Queen of Air in your house she will "wake-you-up" so you realize that you don't actually need to be this person's battery.  

All that wonderful energy you have needs to stay connected to you.

This is also a card that represents focusing on career over any other endeavor. The timing is right to ask for that promotion or raise.  

Thinking about starting your own business? Great. Start learning more about self-employment or upstart entrepreneurship. Take more classes or read books about what you love to do.

Embrace Your Wise Self

Ideas, epiphanies and clear thinking are at an all time high. Writing these messages in a journal or typing them into your phone is encouraged. 

Now, if a client is asking me about a person or themselves (in lieu of a situation) in a reading, this card would indicate the personality of the Queen of Air.  

In other words, it means she is either gifting you or someone you know (who will be helpful to you) with brilliance, self-reliance, insightfulness, humor and strength.

Remember, she knows exactly what to do. The Queen of Air has learned from experience that clutter in your home and clutter in your mind are the same thing.  

Queen of Declutter and Feng-shui

Sometimes she is referred to as the Feng-shui Queen because of her uncanny ability to sort through closets, rooms and drawers.  

She knows exactly what to throw away, what to donate and what to keep. She doesn't need to ask anyone to help her with that chore!

The Queen of Air also represents becoming very comfortable with being yourself. Even if you are in a long-term relationship, she indicates a deep desire to create something of your own.  The acknowledgment of being interdependent.  

If you are single, this is great because you love your own company. Keep doing what you are doing because it's working wonders for you right now. 

Queen of Her Own Identity

In a relationship? No problem.

She embodies the important call-to-action to create your own identity outside of the "together relationship" so your dynamic becomes more inter-dependent, instead of co-dependent. 

The Queen of Air is funny and witty and oh, so charming.  She literally lights up the room as soon as she walks in.

If this is someone you know that you admire then begin thinking about becoming more confident in your own uniqueness. Life is not about striving to be like someone else. The life experience is about becoming more of who you are.

That's what makes her so engaging and intriguing. The Queen of Air is very comfortable with herself and trusts her ability to make wise decisions.  

Why can she do this so easily?  

Because she has cleaned out the cobwebs metaphorically and literally. Remember, she is the Feng-shui Queen so start with the junk drawer. And, spend less time with those who are addicted to drama. The sky is the limit with her around.

YOUR TURN: What can you sort through today?  Set a timer for 15 minutes and simply start with a drawer or a section of a closet.  Toss, donate or keep.  You've got this! 


I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With love and light,

p.s. Enjoy my new guided meditation, Meet the 15 Principal Archangels. This meditation is very beneficial if you want to connect more deeply with the realm of Archangels healing messages. Do this as often as you want. You cannot overdo it so open your heart and mind to this beautiful divine connection.

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