Angel Wisdom for the Call to Awaken

You know that old expression about being too close to our own lives to have a clear perspective?  Well, that definitely applies when the Awakening card shows up in an Angel Card Reading.

Various messages include: Answering the call. Seeing a situation more clearly. A time to shift your perspective. Taking a pause in action.  Card 12, Awakening, is part of the Major Arcana suit in Angel Tarot. There are 22 cards that make up this suit and anytime one shows up in a reading, it's time to listen up! Major Arcana messages have to do with life purpose, soul purpose and life trajectory choices.

Let’s dive deeper into this amazing card, shall we?

When I see Awakening reveal itself during a reading it tells me that the client is strongly encouraged to take a much needed pause in action.  There is a better way to see the situation. By stepping back and viewing it with fresh eyes, everything changes.


It's very possible that you had been receiving more subtle messages and ignoring them. Or, and is often the case with chronically busy people, you simply didn't even notice the nudges and encouragement from your Angels and Spirit guides to make the needed changes.  

Our society is moving at an all-time record setting pace.  It's common to get completely wrapped up in the speed and think we need to move even faster.  But, if we really look at that belief from a different view we will see the falsity in it.

Burning the candle at both ends does just that, it burns the candle - you.  Leaving nothing but a few remnants of the wick.  The Awakening card is an invitation from your Higher Self to slow way, way down.  Better yet, take a break.  Allow yourself to tune back into your own frequency.  

Too much static shows up when we are tuned into others.  Change what you are doing. Tune into your own station and listen within to the inner guidance and wisdom.

With this pause of momentum dedicated to self-reflection you will gain an entirely new perspective on your situation.  Perhaps you have been feeling the undeniable constraint of limited choices and the feeling of being boxed in? 

Gift yourself the loving offering of pressing the pause button.  Close your eyes.  Breathe. Drop your awareness to your heart center.  Ask yourself, Am I really limited?  What do I most want to do right now that makes me laugh and smile?  What other choices are there?   

You may need to keep asking yourself these questions for several days, perhaps even a few weeks.  The amount of time it takes does not matter.  This is not a race.  This is your life.  

What choice can you make today that would help you feel healthier and in balance?

Although it may seem counter-intuitive to slow down to get more accomplished, it is a necessary part of self-care.  You are incredibly unique.  You have a love of being eclectic and different.  Your creative ideas and insights are needed right now.  Stop wasting precious energy in trying to maintain a lifestyle that is not authentic.

Previously, you most likely saw your inner unique traits as weaknesses which caused you to hide from them and deny that part of yourself.  Now, your Angels want you to welcome these gifts and see them as incredible strengths.  

Have the courage to be different.  Embrace your inner creative side.  As the famous Oscar Wilde saying goes, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."


In my Archangel Power Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine there is an image on this card of Archangel Chamuel, his name means "the eyes of God."  In the background is a circus tent and lights across the horizon of a city.  Chamuel is suspended upside down by his own energy.  His wings are outstretched, his aura of bluish/green is lightly glowing and his right hand is reaching out.  

His image is a reminder to call on him.  Archangel Chamuel's gifts include helping people find whatever it is they are seeking.  It can be anything from car keys, a lost piece of jewelry or the ability to view a situation with renewed clarity.  Meaning, having the ability to see your own situation in a completely different light.

According to Divine Law, the beings of the Angelic realm cannot interfere on our behalf unless it's a life threatening situation.  We have Free Will and can do whatever it is we choose to do.  However, these angelic beings are always on stand-by and love to help us in any way they can.  We only need to ask for help, ask for guidance.  

One other message that comes along with this card, Awakening, is that your heart may be leading you to perform a selfless act of kindness.  This may come in the form of you being asked to help out in a situation where you can truly give from your heart, without strings attached.  

You have the ability to make someone's life a bit easier, a bit smoother.  Do this and enjoy being of service to another.  Giving and receiving are equally important in our world.  

Remember, the greatest gift you can give the world is daring to be your true self.  Not the one that you think you need to be in order to be acceptable to others.   The time has come to be courageous, be bold and live life with luster.  You are completely guided and helped by Archangel Chamuel.  You've got this! 

Your Turn:
What are three things that you absolutely love about yourself?  Write these down in a journal or speak them out loud. It's time to own these glorious soul gifts.

With love and light,

p.s. Do you want to learn more about the amazing world of Tarot Cards? Tarot is a powerful tool that works in miraculous and uncannily accurate ways to build a stronger connection to the Divine. It is a time-honored way that the invisible world longs to make itself known to you and wants to communicate with you.
Click the button below and discover more about this ancient divination system.

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