Hello? This is your intuition calling...(is anybody there?)

I write this tongue-in-cheek and with a healthy dose of reality. I'm sure many of you can relate to times that you are heightened to your inner feelings, gut- reactions and instincts.  These typically come in the form of knowing about a situation before it happens and/or knowing what your true creative talents are that need to be brought forth in the world.  You can feel this guidance, but perhaps you don't trust it?  Or, you can barely hear it anymore and wouldn't know what to do if you did listen.  So, you ignore the ringer and don't pick up.  Sound familiar?

The problem is that many of us have either consciously or unconsciously turned down the volume to the line of our intuition for years. To the point that we now have no idea how to listen to the call, let alone answer it.  Several clients have shared that they either don't know how to trust their intuition or they feel afraid because they don't want to be misunderstood and labeled weird.  Trust me--I know this one well.  This has been my own journey the last few years. 

Here's the deal--our lives have become increasingly busy. And, with no shortage of things competing for our time.  Our brains are literally over-stimulated.  We feel as if we have become a living, breathing to-do list.  Seeing how we (our needs, our desires) fit into the picture doesn't seem reasonable or even realistic.

Looking back at how most of have been raised, is it any wonder we are clueless when it comes to putting ourselves first? Or, even in balance with others needs.?  "That's not how I was raised" goes the looping mantra in our minds. Even if we don't want to believe it. Even when we know it's not good for us.  It's literally as if we are living an extension of our upbringing's belief systems.  And, in many ways, that is true.

So, how do we listen to the call of our higher Self and intuitive guidance? How do we muster up the courage to confidently move in the direction of our dreams? 

By making a point to cultivate the awareness that we've been blocking this as adults. This opening to Awareness is huge! Life changing, even.

Think about this:  More than likely it was not encouraged or safe for you to stay connected to intuitive guidance as a child.  So you had to shut it off, dis-connect and shut it down. Having the space within yourself to acknowledge the dis-connect and also having compassion for who you were at that time is incredibly transformative.  How could you have acted in any other way than you did? Really?

I know.. I know.  This sounds way too simple.  Just hang with me here.  Awareness in its truest sense is to become aware. To put it in plain English...we take our head out of the sand.  Admit to ourselves what we already know to be true.  Allow ourselves to see it with new eyes.  Begin asking more introspective questions.  Here are some easy to follow steps:

  • We become aware of and acknowledge the pressure or discomfort in our lives.

  • We then allow ourselves to see it from a different perspective.

  • Ask the question: Is this behavior or situation serving me or sabotaging me?

  • Follow up question: What can I do to better support myself?

  • Next follow-up: What is one small action step I can take today to support myself?

  • Accountability step:  I commit to doing this! (because I am totally worth it.)

The key to this process is to be gentle with yourself.  The answers will come effortlessly and seamlessly when you are in a more relaxed state.  Do things that feel good like go on a walk, turn the phone off, listen to soothing music, spend time by the water, play with the dog or cat, paint, draw, re-connect to nature, meditate for ten minutes, etc..

Our intuition is always on. You read that right. Always. On.

It is our direct line to what we love. To what brings us the most happiness. To what helps us make insightful decisions. To what fires us up. To what makes us more comfortable in our own skin. To what allows us to see ourselves and others with more compassion.

When we decide to answer the call our life becomes so much richer. So much fuller. And, more expansive than we can ever imagine. It is not something to be afraid of or shy away from.

Furthermore, when we are aligned with who we really are we no longer care what others say or think.  Because, living our life with passion, inspiration and enthusiasm is more important than caring about fitting into someone else's mold of who they think we should be.  Or, fitting into a mold of who we think we should be.

I will leave you with this thought my friends as I wrap up another blog article dedicated to you.  I encourage you to re-connect the line.  Answer the call of your intuition. Make time for your needs. Listen to the guidance. Follow and repeat as often as necessary.

What would your life look like if you stopped caring what others thought?  

Write a comment below so we can all share in each other's dreams and aspirations.

Much love,  