Pondering The Friendly Universe Question...

Image from Steven Farmer's Earth Magic Oracle Deck.

Image from Steven Farmer's Earth Magic Oracle Deck.

Albert Einstein is known the world over for ground breaking theory's and ideas. He literally revolutionized how scientist's today view space and time. I think it's fairly safe to say that almost everyone has heard of his famous formula E=mc2. I have always been intrigued by progressive thinkers. Most of them are dubbed "ahead of their time." Interestingly enough, I have also heard it said that these great thinkers and change agents are not ahead of their time. They are "of their time"--it's the rest of the population that is behind the times.

A few of the great thinkers that come to mind right away for me are people like Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Nicola Tesla, Oprah Winfrey and Guglielmo Marconi. They literally did not view the world through the same lens that most of us do. They continually questioned their surroundings and what was possible. Disney is known for his aphorism if you can dream it, you can do it. As a former Walt Disney World Cast Member I can attest to seeing this everywhere from Cast issued bookmarks to walls in the hallways painted in big letters.

This definitely gives us something to think about. Disney believed in this phrase so much that it became his reality.  This leads me to ponder: What have I dreamt of so much that it has become my reality? Or, taking this a step further...What are current dreams I have that hold the potential for coming into being? 

Back in my Disney days with friends and fellow Cast members Doug and Igor. We worked in the Concierge department at the Grand Floridian Resort.

Back in my Disney days with friends and fellow Cast members Doug and Igor. We worked in the Concierge department at the Grand Floridian Resort.

These great thinkers could see beyond the horizon. In all reality their lives were not obstacle free throughout their dream careers. If anything they had more bumps in the road due to the nature of what they wanted to accomplish in their lifetime. Something within them pulled them to keep going and going and going.  When met with resistance they would redirect their efforts. Not give up. Pretty amazing!

Einstein, in addition to being known for his scientific breakthroughs, had a deep love for the unseen miracles that were unexplainable. He felt the most important question any of us will ever answer is: "Is the Universe a friendly place?"

During an interview in his later years he was asked his thoughts on God and the Universe. He answered that he saw the universe as a "unified whole" and the world as an expression of a "lawful harmony" that supports everyone and everything equally. Einstein went on to say that he encouraged people to burst open their minds so as to escape the prison of their own ideas. He used his intellect, but warned us not to make the intellect into a god because of its limitations.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination embraces the entire world."  -- Albert Einstein  

In an act of full disclosure, I will openly admit that I have struggled with the friendly Universe concept for most of my adult life. If asked what I thought (even a year ago) I would have told you that the Universe is parts of both--but mostly unfriendly. My world-view was very tainted towards the "us" vs. "them" thinking. I still felt that other people, entities and situations had a greater pull on me than my own mind. I felt more like I was reacting to situations and people rather than being pro-active in my thinking.

This is huge! I literally felt that something outside of me determined my events both internally and externally. I was over-identifying with the victim or martyr archetypes. And, because of this I was creating or expecting more experiences of people and situations keeping me in this mindset. As an outsider looking in I'm sure you can see how I was unconsciously creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of negative events.

However, when I made the conscious choice to shift this paradigm on its head the view completely changed. I began to gain much more respect for my thoughts and their power to shape my reality. It's the Law of Attraction 1o1. What I think about expands. If I expect a friendly, supportive Universe then that's what will happen. However, if I expect an unfriendly, unsupportive Universe then that will also happen.  I know. I know. I know. This sounds way too easy.

A birthday message written on our villa floor while on retreat in India. How can you not smile and have a better day with a blessing like this?

A birthday message written on our villa floor while on retreat in India. How can you not smile and have a better day with a blessing like this?

Don't just take my word for it. Try this simple experiment of experiencing life for yourself with heightened awareness. I like to call it the A/B testing. A/B testing is used frequently in the science and marketing fields for accurate results. Either way, it's a fun, effective way we can see for ourselves the power of our own thoughts.

The A Day: For one whole day (or 24 full hours) walk around thinking only thoughts supporting an unfriendly Universe. You know, thoughts like--No one understands me. My boss doesn't get me. My co-workers are inconsiderate jerks. My spouse or partner is unsupportive. I wish I had done this differently. I wish I had done that differently. I'm so broke I'll never get all my debt paid off. With the way things are going I'll never get ahead. Nothing ever works out for me. No one knows how to drive in this town.

The B Day: Now, for one whole day (or 24 full hours) walk around with only the thoughts of living in a friendly Universe. Here are some sample thoughts: I am beautiful (handsome) and everyone loves me. Everyone I meet is so helpful and nice. I appreciate my workplace and my workplace appreciates me. My spouse is kind, compassionate and considerate. My life is awesome...who wouldn't want to be me? My bank account is overflowing with money. I live in a wonderful community. I send blessings to all the drivers on the road. Today is a beautiful day. I have 24 brand new hours to enjoy life... what will I do?   Just imagine the possibilities!

Take field notes/observational notes for both days. You are focusing on how you felt during the experiments. Don't hesitate to get as detailed as you want. How did you feel energetically? What did you notice in respect to how other people reacted to you? Did you observe anything interesting during your day that you hadn't expected? Were there any coincidences that happened? With these notes and recall of events, you will be able to see with new eyes what perhaps you hadn't before.

Tap into your inner Einstein and observe for yourself the most important question you will ever ask yourself: Do I live in a friendly Universe?

Get ready, get set... Go!



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