
The Care and Feeding of Our Inner Wolves...

I am always a huge fan of great story's that teach through wonderful imagery and vivid words. At times, I will come across a story that I think many of you will enjoy. Other times, I recall a story I had heard from someone else that struck me at just the right time and had just the right message that I needed.  Today is one of those days. I love this story particular story, Two Wolves, and another version of it that comes from the  beautiful Cherokee lore and tradition.  Enjoy!

Holy Cats...?!?

Touring the Mediterranean's Ancient World, one expects to see temples, ruins, tombs, columns, stone walkways, old ceramic pots, statues and the like.  Not to disappoint--you will see all of these amazing, awe-inspiring artifacts and structures.  If you are like me, this is a huge anticipation point.  I fell in love with the Ancient World's lore and beauty back in my college days during several Humanities courses.

Tracking a Tiger... A Look Back (Part 1)

It's 5 a.m..  The alarm clock is no regular, electronic one.  This one arrives in the form of a gentle Indian voice outside our Swiss style tent.  "Good morning, Sir".  Pause for a few beats.  "Good morning, Sir".  Pause, repeat.  Finally, roused from sleepy slumber Eric replies, "Hello".  Slowly, he gets out of bed, walks to our tent fly doorway and thanks the friendly staffer at Jim's Jungle Retreat for the wake-up reminder.