Survey says.....I need your input!

Hello hello, my friends.

I would love to take a moment of your time to ask a favor. It is my hope and desire to bring you more interesting, usable content. I also know for a fact that your input and suggestions are invaluable, untapped resources. 

(Don't worry, it won't take very long.)

I am open to your creative suggestions and ideas.

I am open to your creative suggestions and ideas.

As many of you know, I have been blogging now for about six months.  I absolutely love writing about topics that are near and dear to my heart.  The majority of posts that I write are directly related to an issue that I am currently working through. Other times I have recently tapped into an amazing turn-around moment. With the a-ha moment discovery I become so excited about sharing it, that it seamlessly types itself out in the hopes of helping others.

My combined teaching background includes yoga, horsemanship, public schools, Disney programs, gifted and talented programs and more recently the launch of my own blend of Personal Enrichment classes. As you can see learning, teaching and sharing are lifelong passions of mine.

I've always found it intriguing to find different ways of explaining something that maybe didn't make sense to a student or friend. Viewing the world as a gigantic classroom has helped keep my eyes and ears open to ways of connecting the dots of different ideas into something that others can relate to.

With all that said I am excited to now turn the reins over to you, my insightful and engaged reader.

My desire is to be even more helpful as I continue to design and craft articles, classes and workbooks that are in-line with what YOU are wanting. 

I am hoping to get answers back within a weeks time, but if you need a little longer that is definitely do-able.

Here are the main questions I am hoping you can help me with.

  1. What articles/blog postings of mine have you found most helpful?

  2. What suggested recommendations/exercises/tips have you found most helpful?

  3. What are your frustrations in life that you would like clarity around?

  4. What types of things bother you?

  5. What types of topics do you want more of?

  6. What are personal enrichment classes that you would like to see offered?

  7. If there was a workbook available, what would you "hook" your interest?

  8. Any other suggestions that you have in mind?

Send your answers to me via email or you can private message me through my Facebook account.  FB: Joanna Easton (Grover)

Thank you so much for being part of my growing community.  I look forward to reading your responses and seeing what imaginative ideas you have in mind.  Contact me here

All the Best,




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