5 Surprising Results From My Reader Survey

Well... the votes and tally's are in and I listened.  A big Thank You to all of you who responded back to let me know your thoughts.  And, if you were unable to get to my Survey, I am always open to feedback about what you'd like to see more of, what types of things bother you that you'd like insight into and what has been helpful.   If something arises and you want to share it with me please do so!  Your comments matter.

With all of this being said I would like to share the 5 Most Important Changes and Happenings that you will see.

  • 1.)  Blogging once a week on Tuesdays (for the summer). 

There is high demand for interesting content in different formats. And, because of this I will be focusing on putting together more usable content like web-based classes, books and workbooks, and live offerings. You will still receive juicy, helpful and interesting blog articles once a week on Tuesdays to whet your appetite! ( hint: there may be a surprise bonus blog article from time to time during the next few months...)

  • 2.)  More interaction with like-minded community.

 I heard you loud and clear. Seems most of us love the content and ideas of self-empowerment and self-guidance, but feel like an island in a sea of negativity. To remedy this I have created a private Facebook Group called Joanna Easton's School for Living an Enchanted Life.  Here we'll share our successes, wins and encouragements of all things awesome!  

I'll also be sharing what's new, inspiring video clips, and where you can find me next. I am excited about growing a community of like-minded seekers just like me and just like you. We know there is so much more to life and we are ready to grow together.  Request to join today and invite friends you feel would enjoy the juiciness and excitement. 

  • 3.)  More Tarot and Oracle Readings!

You all love the angels and the guidance that spirit has to offer and I'm happy to help. As many of you know I currently work with people Privately for Readings via the phone and in person. However, many of you are fairly busy or are unsure if you should "bother" spirit with your questions. 

Your questions are valid and have been heard. Guidance is within your reach. You can still book privately and... this is the exciting part! Starting Saturday, June 24th I'll have a space at the Helena Farmer's Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m..  Come on down and say hello.  The special price for Farmer's Market is: 

  • $5 for a 1 card reading.

  • $10 for a 3-card reading.

  • $15 for a 10-card reading.

I'll have several decks to choose from so don't be shy.

  • 4.)  More access to courses. 

This is an interesting one. You are loving the inspiration and activities from the blogs, information from different authors and want to have easier access to the teachings... but. But, you are busy! Life has you pulled from one direction to the next. You want to commit to one of my live classes, but just can't. Or, you don't live in Helena and still would love to learn the information.

I am currently in the process of putting together a Learning Course that you can purchase and watch at your convenience. Unlike the other classes, this one will be my own personal content and teachings. Very cool, indeed! So you won't want to miss out once it goes live and up for sale.  I will keep you posted as the launch date nears. Don't worry if you still want to work with me live as that will definitely be available. 

  • 5.)  We want a book!

This one stream lines off the Learning Course desire. Once I have finished creating and launching the Learning Course of my own design I will put together a book/ workbook.  Again, this will be of my own unique design and creation to help people just like you! There is certainly a strong calling at this time in history to live more fully, more creatively and support each other.  I am excited to be part of this shift and encourage others as well to live the life of their dreams.  

Remember to post to the comments below if something came up for you about an offering you'd like to see. Or, maybe you just want to say hello and share your enthusiasm.  Please do! 

Have a beautiful and enchanted day, my friends...


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