How I Got Started With Tarot Card Readings

As most of you well know by now, I do A LOT of Tarot Card readings.  Now, if you asked me a year ago if I thought I would be doing them at the level I am now I would have told you, No Way!  Not because I haven't always held curiosity around Tarot cards.  The answer would have come from a major lack of self-confidence and the fear around being seen as too "woo-woo."

Suffice it to say that my life has changed in so many ways in the last two years that I no longer care what others think about it.  I had to push through my own self-erected barriers of what I considered safe /acceptable and weird/out-there.  

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I have known for a very long time that I had a natural penchant and affinity towards Tarot cards and their messages.  Part of me did not accept the fact that I had the ability to read accurately for myself and others.  I had typically relegated that area to others who were more "intuitive" or "mystical" than I was.

When I used a Tarot deck I constantly relied on the accompanying book.  Although this is a great way to learn the meanings of the cards, it is also a way to keep yourself in the loop of thinking you are not a "natural" card reader.  It is likened to training wheels.

Last summer I remember listening to a podcast of James Van Praagh's show on Hay House Radio and he was talking about how people's Zodiac signs influence their natural abilities.  I was naturally curious and stayed tuned.

Lots of Virgo's, Aries, Leo's, etcetera.  As I listened I found myself either laughing out loud or nodding my head in agreement when he described to a tee the predominant personality's of certain signs.  Then, he would go on to help a caller identify ways to get unstuck in their current life.  

Most people typically over-identify with particular traits of their Astrological Sign and use them as an excuse to be the way they are.  Or, they disassociate with some of the natural gifts of the sign. They fear what that trait might look like in their life if they were to allow it out. (Hint, hint: This was me.)

The caller that peaked my interest and I can still remember most of the conversation to this day was a fellow Pisces.  This is the one that will forever be etched in my memory because I felt like James was speaking directly to me.

This caller was working a typical 9-5  job and felt incredibly stifled.  She had the ever so common dilemma of most stuck creatives-- believing that all artists' starve. Because of this she had not given her natural gifts and talents much thought since childhood.  In her home it was not encouraged to be a creative artist.  One must do "real" work in the "real" world to prove their worth and truly make something of themselves.

James asked her if she wanted to do something more creative.  She said Yes.  The problem was she was scared.  Plus, she had no idea what her life would look like. This precise dilemma is what prompted her to call and seek guidance.

Here's the part that stuck with me.  James said, "Look. You are a Pisces.  Pisces, of all the signs, has the most natural intuitive energy.  You are a born dreamer and visionary. It's not if you choose to be creative, it's when.  When you decide to open your mind and heart to the energy of Pisces you will be amazed and supported completely. The door has always been open.  Start walking. That will get you unstuck."

He went on to say that all of us, regardless of our Sign, have natural intuitive abilities. However, some signs are stronger in certain areas than others.  Clearly, I needed to give way more respect to my natural talents than I was doing.  I had been in the habit of disregarding them or seeing them as a weakness that got in the way of living in the "real world."

After listening to this program I spent most of the rest of the day in contemplation. It's not if, but when for Pisces? Hmmm.  Interesting.  Kind of scary, but it explains a lot.

From that moment on I made a deal with myself that I would give more respect to my inner guidance and start following that.  Why not?  I had been trying for years to live mostly through the intellect's logic and reason.  The problem with that is it wasn't me. It wasn't the Real me.  

I promptly bought a new Tarot deck--The Fairy Tarot deck-- which some of you have seen and the one that I do all of my readings with as of late.  I completely fell in love with it the minute I saw the cover.  I figured that if the cover art was that spectacular, can you imagine what the rest of the cards must look like?

I excitedly learned the symbolism, number meanings, the Major and Minor Arcana suits, all of it.  It came easily and effortlessly to me so I figured I must be on to something.  I found myself smiling more and feeling happier than I had been in a long time.

I stopped using the companion book for guidance.  And, lo and behold, my inner guidance took over and has stayed with me ever since.

I now allow my inner awareness and intuitive gifts to lead the way. This is a pretty big shift for me, but one that I am thankful every day that I have honored.  

I now feel pulled and lovingly encouraged to share the guidance and wisdom of the Tarot cards with others.  So far it has led me on a journey that is beyond my wildest dreams!

Old Me vs. New Me

The truth is that when we try to be a version of ourselves to fit what we think others want us to be, we are doing ourselves a HUGE disservice.  Believe me, I totally get it. I became a master at being someone who I deemed acceptable to everyone else.  

But, deep inside I've always known I was different.  I could see and feel things that I knew to be true for me.  Most people could not relate.  Some could, but were uncomfortable with the conversations around it.  They, like me, had become a pro at "fitting-in" and doing what's expected.  They had grown up hearing the same phrases over and over.

"Get your head out of the clouds."

"Don't be such a dreamer."

"Welcome to the real world, kid."

"Don't you know, that all artist's starve?"

"You need to think about a "real" career."

"The real Golden Rule is the one who makes the gold makes the rules."

Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not suggesting that all 9 - 5  jobs are stifling.  Most people I know find great comfort in them.  They find the stability and reliability grounding for them.  And, that is awesome!

What I am suggesting is that they are definitely NOT for everyone. For those of us who are the dreamers of the world we need to keep dreaming.  For those of us who are the artist's of the world, we need to embrace this.

You can certainly keep your day job and nourish your true love and passion on the side.  I like to lovingly refer to this as the "side hustle."  This is where the REAL gold is, my friends.  

If you are semi-retired, retired or in a job that is unfulfilling?  Have the courage to rekindle your love of imagination and creativity.  

Start by painting a wall in your house a new color.  Buy an indoor fountain. Buy some art supplies.  Buy a mandala coloring book.  Buy yourself a new plant.  New drapes. Find a piece of furniture you'd like to redecorate or refurbish.  

It truly matters not what you want to do to bring more beauty and light into your life. Please do yourself a favor, though, and do ONE thing that lights you up starting today.

The most important piece is that you give your natural talents the respect they deserve.  You won't regret it!

Share in the comments below one action step you have taken in your life to support your creativity.  We'd love to share in your success.

In gratitude,
