
Do You Have a Soft Spot for Anything Old School?

old school - anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect.  Can be used to refer to music, clothing, language or anything really.  (Urban dictionary)

I love using the term old school.  For me it signifies values, memories or a love for things that resonate feelings of who I am on the inside that perhaps I find more challenging to invoke on a regular basis now.  Sometimes I use it when referring to technology.  

Remember the old Polaroid cameras that printed up a picture within minutes?  The Polaroid camera was such a trailblazer, right?  The photo would come out with the white paper frame where you could write information underneath it, capturing that moment in time.

Become a Master in the School of Life

I heard this analogy to life being like a school and having different classes with lessons and exams in it a few years ago. Personally, I like to think of it as Earth School. I know. I know. This sounds really wierd, right? Now, before you stop reading let me explain further.

My inner inquiry sounded something like this: How is my life and my experiences within it anything like school? I finished formal schooling years ago. What are these people talking about?

Why Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking Doesn't Always Work

Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it seems to feel shallow and soul-less. Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content.

Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?

Are You Stuck Seeing Only Your Flaws? Try this sage advice.

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

Do you scoff at compliments, yet inwardly crave them?

What I find interesting about artistic, innovative and creative ideas and talents is that so many people have a very challenging time respecting and acknowledging them.  It's as if we have been downloaded to repeat the negative, shameful habit of feeling embarrassed about these amazing gifts that truly come easily to us.  Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think so.  Stay with me as I expand on this thought for a moment.

Welcome to YOU: Quirky, Unique and One-of-a-Kind

If you had to sum up who you are in one sentence- what would you say about yourself?  What is it that makes you uniquely you?  Even if you think you don't have anything interesting or special to offer I would encourage you to look closer, look deeper.  What is the diamond in the rough?

What do other people comment on or compliment you on that perhaps you take for granted?  What comes so naturally to you that you tend to think it's not anything special?  Can't everyone do this, you tell yourself over and over.

No.  They can't.  Time to embrace this instead of playing it down, my friends.

How Good Are You With Slowing Down the Pace of Your Life?

I know this may seem simple, but I encourage you to really ask yourself this question truthfully.  Because most people I know pack their schedules full and then wonder when life is going to slow down.  And why life remains so hectic.  There seems to be a strong disconnect between habitually over-scheduling on one end of the spectrum. And the desire for destination addiction to rescue you from your very own predicament on the other side.

What I've found is that most of us feel like we need to prove our worth, prove our right to be here.  And because this low self-esteem mantra plays over and over in our heads like a broken record we begin to put our awareness elsewhere. 

Are You Ready to Kick Procrastination to the Curb?

Most people today feel frustrated or stifled by their current life situation. They feel strongly that there’s a whole other version of themselves that could live life even more fully and expansively. And when it comes right down to it, the other version of themselves has a specialty training, schooling or certification that would allow them to teach or share with others. Possibly in a way they long to do now, but are not able to.

What if… a future version of yourself showed up to you in a dream? And this future version of you is happy, smiling, laughing and content? She loves her life. She is absolutely living life on her terms. She has enough support financially to call her own shots so she’s not dependent on others.

She is in the sweet spot of being happy to be around others, yet she can choose to take some much needed down time when she feels the urge. She is also sharing and collaborating with others in ways that light her up.

Were You Raised to Think You Must Struggle in Order to Deserve Happiness?

Most people today worry about their finances, their purpose, their peace of mind, their jobs, finding meaning in retirement or cultivating a healthier lifestyle overall. Ironically, there is still a strong connection to suffering that precedes any type of happiness.

The mindset has been hard-wired into most of us that suffering, complaining, struggling and the like must be in equal proportion or higher than our connection to joy, laughter and good times.

We must work hard and struggle in order to “deserve” a better lot in life. Sound familiar?

Does Your Life Need a Happiness Tune-Up?

People today struggle to be happy. I mean really, truly happy in an authentic way. Just look at the popularity of the buy-it-now features that are at an all-time high usage rate. Or, the amount of vacations, technology, homes and automobiles purchased in the hopes that it will help people achieve the happiness level people feel they deserve.

What I find fascinating about the “search for happiness” is that just underneath that inquiry is the deeper, more introspective driving factor. The search for meaning. The search for purpose. A life of purpose and meaning makes one very rich indeed. Not in a way that you can buy, rent or loan.

And at a cellular, spiritual level we all know this.

Is this possible in a world of duality? Yes. Keep reading, my friend as we explore this rich and vast area together.

Who Would You Be if No-one Ever Told You Who to Be?

There never seems to be a shortage of people telling us what to do and who to be. Many of us grew up surrounded by well meaning, yet ill advised, adults pointing us in all kinds of directions. Some of the suggestions may have had validity to them. Most of them not.

The problem was that we were too young to know how to form our own thoughts and give voice to them. We had no idea the power of other people’s projections. The dark side of shattered dreams, broken hearts and hopes blown away like the wind.

A Story of Accidental Friendships

Recently, I have been contemplating the fascinating and multi-layered dialogue around friendship. Mostly stimulated by the great memories I've recently experienced after re-uniting with friends I had made 22 years ago.  They are all European.  I was the only American in the group.  We all worked together in Reception at the Hotel Cheyenne at Disneyland Paris in 1995.