Become a Master in the School of Life

I heard the analogy to life being like a school and having different classes with lessons and exams in it a few years ago. Personally, I like to think of it as Earth School. I know. I know. This sounds really wierd, right? Now, before you stop reading let me explain further.

My inner inquiry sounded something like this: How is my life and my experiences within it anything like school? I finished formal schooling years ago. What are these people talking about?

I graduated high school and went on to earn a B.A. in History with a Minor in Secondary Education. Since then I haven’t taken any “formal” schooling - so how do classes apply to my current life? I don’t recall signing up for any special courses, so what gives?

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It wasn’t until I started doing Intuitive Card Readings professionally that I began to make the important connections. I could see patterns in people’s lives. Their interests, loves, desires and natural abilities typically corresponded with what they were doing for a living.

Or, how they were enhancing their lives on the side to support more balance in in their overall well-being.

This is all well and good. However, an interesting side pattern began to consistently show itself over and over. Inconsistencies between reality and dream life.

How does one explain the events, situations, and experiences that are NOT in alignment with what the client was wanting?

Important questions consistently arose from the clients - reading after reading.

Such as:

  • Why do I keep hitting a brick wall in my career?

  • Am I always going to struggle financially?

  • When is my health going to improve?

  • My niece is an addict, how can I help her?

  • Why do I keep attracting the wrong partners into my life?

  • How do I find my Purpose and have more meaning in my life?

Now, just to be clear, each one of these are huge inquiries and entire books have been written on these subjects. My point here is not necessarily to answer them. Rather to show that there is a feeling of disconnection and frustration between what people say they want and what they are experiencing.

  • I say I want peace, but what I’m experiencing is struggle, tension and stress.

  • I say I want deep love and connection in relationships, but what I’m experiencing is distance, emotional unavailability, and criticism.

  • I say I want a career I’m in love with and feel appreciated in, but what I’m experiencing is anxiety, constriction, boredom and feeling unappreciated.

  • I say I want financial freedom, but what I’m experiencing is being broke, never having enough money and tension over bills.

  • I say I want to live life on my own terms, but what I’m experiencing is everyone is wanting a piece of me. Too much drama.

The discrepancies hold the keys, the answers if you will, to what classes are being repeated. Or, what subject area you’ve majored in (either consciously or unconsciously.)

Think about it this way.

If deep down your belief is that you have to struggle to make money then that’s what will keep showing up in your life. So, the courses that you keep enrolling in have to do with money/time/energy = struggle. Elective and core classes will constantly show up centering around beliefs of limits, not-enough and short supply.

These elective and core classes will, if you keep at, show you that over time you can overcome these limiting beliefs. “Suffering is optional” as the Buddhist wisdom proverb reminds us.

The learning curve completely shifts when our view of life moves from beliefs in shortages and lack to one of abundance and more than enough for everyone.

Now, on the other hand, let’s say there is another student in Earth School - let’s call him John - who is also on a finance/prosperity track. However, his curriculum will look quite different because he has an abundance mindset.

If you were to take a sneak peek at John’s schedule and courses they follow the track of money/time/energy = freedom

money/time/energy = options

money/time/energy = choices

In meeting John you would be in awe of how his bank account, outlook on life and overall well-being directly reflect his belief system. He more than likely will amass a small fortune, or large one for that matter, and have the ability to donate healthy amounts to charities and/or participate in heart-based philanthropical work.

He may even take risks in his life that could bankrupt him or leave him without much in reserves. However, because of his underlying current to abundance he would bounce back and keep going. His classes might actually have this set up as a requirement to see how he does in the face of adversity.

The point is it’s his Earth School experience. The courses fit him, not necessarily anyone else. We all learn in the way that best works with us.

Let’s go back to the example of, I want to live life on my own terms, but what I’m experiencing is everyone wanting a piece of me. Too much drama.

Your classes would be a direct reflection of your desire to want freedom from perceived outside pressure, right? So the homework, daily lessons, quizzes and special projects would be uniquely designed for you to learn to have your own back.

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People, situations and experiences will be exquisitely crafted and molded to your deep desire and need to be a free thinker. Inter-dependent thinking instead of co-dependent thinking.

  • Interdependent - taking in another’s view points and/or requests, then weighing if that interaction will serve you or deplete you. Saying yes if you mean yes, no if you mean no, and maybe if you mean maybe.

  • Co-dependent - you need and want outside approval from someone or something before you move forward. You basically take everyone else into consideration before taking care of yourself. A fear of making your own choices because you don’t want to be “wrong” or “hurt someone’s feelings.”

Bearing this in mind, if you were designing courses and classes to help others achieve their deepest desires, what would you offer in your school?

And likewise, if you were the eager student, what type of classes would you enroll in to learn to put your needs first?

Now remember, there will be classes that are pre-requisites to core, upper level and advanced courses. The more strides you make forward will literally up-level or graduate you out of one class and right into an honors or accelerated track program.

Do not despair when situations seem complicated and your choices feel limited, my bright and motivated friend. This means that you are in a Ph.D. program that requires you to see in ways you have not seen before. View a situation as having more choices than previously.

It’s not for everyone, no doubt about it. However, you are more than capable of dealing with the class load. In fact, you may learn that you thrive with each new challenge because the truth is you enjoy the inner-growth journey.

Classes in your specific track are foundational. They are in a step-by-step sequencing. Think back to times that you did stand your ground. Pushed back when you needed to. Said no to an unreasonable request (or demand.) Untangled yourself from a toxic friendship, work environment or relationship.

Reflect upon a time when you carved out a much needed break for yourself. Allowed yourself some down-time to recharge and reconnect to your inner-net instead of the inter-net. These are all incredibly powerful choices that completely altered your life, your schedule if you will.

Think about what you did differently that actually supported your desire for self-care, self-nurturing and self-honoring?

What wisdom have you gained in all your years here on planet Earth that has worked in your favor?

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Take other people out of the scenario for a moment. Because the truth is it isn’t really about them. At all. I can guarantee you that there will never be a shortage of other people who want your precious commodities of time, money, energy and inner resources.

This Ph.D. program is all about you learning to free yourself. It’s not up to anyone else to do it. The true “goal”, if you will, is in mastering your no. By mastering your no, you can free your Yes.

When you say Yes! to your life it comes with a multitude of no’s to other people and obligations that would inevitably drain you. The freedom you experience is by your own hand. No one simply gave it to you.

You earned the diploma and learned to spread your wings. You took the leap of faith. Gained trust in yourself. And man did you Jump! Even better, you realized that you knew how to fly all along.

Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light

“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

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