Why Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking Doesn't Always Work

Against our best efforts our minds can get carried away with worry, fears, anxiety, and worse-case scenarios. We hear about the powerful ways of calming the mind that have worked for others. Positive affirmations and thinking only positive thoughts top the list. However, when we feel afraid inside and utter the words it can feel shallow and soul-less.

Truth be told, we feel anything but happy, calm and content. Are we imposters? Aren’t we supposed to fake it until we make it?

Many people have struggled with these very questions for years, possibly even decades. With little to no success in the long run.

The solution, as you will read about, has to do with catching yourself while in the act of spinning out. Or better yet, before the downward spiral happens.

The antidote is best illustrated through the introduction of the Angel Card, Nine of Air. In my experience this is perhaps the most feared and transformative card in the entire deck.  

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Why is it feared you might ask? 

Symbolically, the Air suit represents the mind, logic, reasoning, truth and legal matters. The mind is also where anxiety, worry, and stress lives when we our thoughts are anything but helpful and supportive.

The message of the card indicates worrying out of proportion to the situation or person you are focused on.  In fact, this card has a strong manifestation energy to it.  

What you think about expands - Big Time!

Your perception of the situation has been very overly negative and troublesome.  To the point that you are not sleeping well.  Easily getting caught in the web of group think that can act like a psychic virus.

When you aren't sleeping well, your health begins suffer.  It's not possible to make healthy decisions due to the overwhelming energy that is stuck in your system of anxiousness and uncertainty.

Again, the Nine of Air is feared AND incredibly transformative.  It is typically not a surprise to a client I’m reading for when it shows up during a session.

Rather, it’s a confirmation of what they’ve been feeling and experiencing.

With this being said, I always see it as a huge message from your Angels telling you to stop the incessant worry.  

The sky is NOT falling.  This situation is not really as doom and gloom as you think it is, BUT thinking it is will in fact add to the momentum of making it highly likely.

I often remind people that when you feel yourself getting pulled into the downward spiral of worry, anxiety and stress of a negative situation - you must take a pause.

Imagine pressing the buttons:  Cancel. Clear. Delete.

Now you can lovingly turn the focus back on yourself and begin the nourishing act of self-honoring. What is it you most need to do to take care of yourself in order to feel safe, protected and loved?

At the end of the day, your life is the only one you can make any type of lasting changes to.  See yourself as a precious commodity that is worthy of your own time, energy and respect.

The Nine of Air reminds us that there is great wisdom to be gained from this situation.  It could be that you learn it’s too high of a cost to your mental well-being to continually be caught in the web of a situation or person that is literally out of your control. 

It simply does not work because over-time your spiritual and emotional bodies will crash. It’s not sustainable to have this high amount of “awfulizing” and “catastrophizing” in your system.

Time for a detox routine of self-care, self-love and self-nourishing.

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Now could be a powerful reminder from your soul to trust your intuition and inner guidance more than you normally do.  

It’s highly likely that you received intuitive "gut instinct" messages on how to proceed going into the situation.  But, you over-rode it with logic, reason and rationalizing.

Or, the group think mentality took on a life form of its own and took you down the rabbit hole, despite your best efforts.

Whatever the nugget of wisdom is that you learned or gained from this situation, do not worry or hang on to the shame energy of wishing you should have reacted differently. 

Life happens. We are all doing the best we can in any given situation with all we know at the time. The beautiful thing is, you have the insight now to shift your thoughts and embrace action steps that help support you instead of harm you.

Take off the "what's going wrong with my life” glasses and put on the "what's going right” glasses.

Be kinder to yourself than you normally are. Be gentler with yourself. Be more soft in how you approach this beautiful life you’ve been given to live.

Sleep is the master rhythm to all the other systems in the body so enjoy taking naps. Rest often. Journal. Meditate. Buy yourself flowers. Read a wonderful book. Listen to your favorite music. Paint. Write poetry. Take a long overdue indulgent bath.

Go for a quiet, peaceful walk noticing the beauty of nature around you. Spend more time with your pet. Create a delicious meal. Call a friend or loved one. The list goes on and on …. just remember to choose wisely, my friend.

What is one thing you can do today that your future self will thank you for?

If this article is speaking to you on a deep level, I encourage you to reach out to me to schedule your own Private Angel Reading. The angels have subtle ways of working with you. Their wish is to get clear, helpful and loving guidance across in a way you understand.

Sometimes we can hear it, but often times we cannot.

We are not meant to travel this human life alone, sweetheart. You are surrounded by so many loving, ascended beings that are simply waiting to assist you. Waiting for you to reach back. Let them.

They are the loving messengers of the Divine and their only job on Earth is to bring you peace of mind, happiness in life and a full heart.


I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With love and light,


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