Card Message Explained

Does Your Life Feel Stuck on Repeat? Try this remedy.

Most people these day spend too much time talking a good game. Am I right? They literally have this fantasy version of themselves they talk about that’s going to be living the life they want. Having the job they want. In relationship with the perfect partner. Becoming the ideal weight and body shape of their dreams. Living financially happy, thriving and abundant. They are highly respected, revered and educated. The list goes on. And on. And on.

Trouble is that “day” never arrives. It’s as if that day was supposed to get the “memo” and know exactly when to show up on your doorstep. You keep wondering what happened. You sure thought about it enough - but, if you’re honest, your actions didn’t match up.

Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Regret and Beating Yourself Up? Try this Angelic Advice.

Most of us are experts in beating ourselves up and holding a sword over our own heads. We go over and over how we could have, should have or would have done something differently.

The truth is…we can’t ever control how another person is going to react to us. I know we’d like to think we can, but it simply doesn’t work.

In Angel Tarot the Five of Water represents our relationship to this habitual thinking. The angels remind us that we can only take ownership in “how” we work through a challenge. We cannot ever be the deciding factor in the ultimate outcome. That just leads to suffering and control issues.

Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed and Under-appreciated? Try this sage advice.

The fine line between being busy or full AND being downright overwhelmed is embodied beautifully by the Two of Earth in Angel Tarot. Earth represents our connection to more physical, material and educational pursuits.  

Whenever I see an Earth card show up in an Angel Intuitive Card Reading it shows me that the client has been thinking mostly about work, home, education or choices around abundance and prosperity.

Two's indicate a decision, a choice, a shift in perspective.  They also call for us to bring a more balanced perspective to a situation.  

Angel Wisdom for Holiday Self-Care

If you are feeling exhausted, tired, irritable, crabby and short fused there’s a good chance you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. And.. you may have been wanting to say No to people or situations and end up saying yes in order to keep the peace.

The only problem with this scenario is it’s unsustainable and simply doesn’t work.

The Angel Tarot Card - 10 of Fire - speaks straight to the heart of this draining and exhausting cycle.

Angel Card Message: 4 of Spring (Celebrate Good Times)

Fire or Wands, depending on the deck you are using, represents action and celebration!  Creative endeavors.  Renewed excitement in work, career or a vocation.  Artistic gifts manifesting in different forms.  Showing the world how amazing you are.  Having the courage to follow your convictions.  Trusting your inner guidance to empower yourself and go after your dreams.  You may also feel strongly guided to develop and grow a stronger inner life.

Angel Card Message: 8 of Earth (invest in yourself)

Symbolically, the eight comes immediately after the seven in our soul's journey.  Again, eights are choices. Metaphorically, it symbolizes the infinity sign turned on its side.  

Now that you have been "awakened" to a new way of thinking and feeling, you are ready for the next step.  There is not one exact step to take.  

This represents a time to think expansively. There are unlimited, expansive steps available. None of them are wrong. Just shift your thinking from no choices to an infinite number of choices. 

In this case, the Eight of Earth's message coming through loud and clear is to pursue education.  This is the card of further study.  It could be in a completely new area or it could be to further dive into an interest you currently have.

Angel Card Message: Page of Summer (meeting someone trustworthy)

By nature the Page or Messenger energy tends to be more shy, introverted and reflective. And, going a bit deeper here, the energy in Court Cards often embodies how you are currently feeling or it reflects someone you know or will soon meet that personifies these traits.

So, on with the show. What does the Page symbolize?  And how does her image speak to the suit she embodies - in this case Summer/Cups?

Personally, I find that background information is helpful in viewing the card.  In doing readings the first thing my eyes are typically drawn to is the suit and then the corresponding number.  If it's above the number 10 then I see which Court Card made it's appearance.  

Then, I begin to look at the image or picture shown.  

Angel Card Message: 5 of Summer

Whenever I see a Five of any suit in an Angel Card Tarot Reading I know right away there is a major challenge afoot.  Not that it can't be overcome- it simply needs to be handled with care.  How we work through the challenge is the important part. The suit of Summer or Cups is indicative of leading with our heart, intuition and emotions. This can be helpful or it can be a hindrance, depending on the situation.

Angel Card Message: 9 of Winter

Introducing the Nine of Winter.  In my experience as an Angel Card Reader this is perhaps the most feared and transformative card in the entire deck.  Why is it feared you might ask? Well, the Winter or Swords suit represents the mind, logic, reasoning, truth and legal matters.  The mind is also where anxiety, worry, and stress lives when we aren't careful of our thoughts.

Angel Card Message: Ace of Spring

Wonderful new opportunities.  Time for renewed creativity.  Ideas for re-igniting your career or a possible change in your current job that will bring more excitement, joy and fulfillment. Pursuing your dreams.  New opportunities.  A call to move away from procrastination and into action.  A chance to do something amazing.

Angel Card Message: 10 of Fire

The Spring/Fire/Wands suit in the Tarot deck signifies and represents action, creativity, renewed energy and career.  This is also a suit of great passion.  Having the passion to follow your dreams and creative endeavors.  Giving you the boost of insight and energy to get going.  Lights. Camera. Action!