Angel Card Message: 4 of Spring (Celebrate Good Times)

Spring or Wands, depending on the deck you are using, represents action and celebration!  Creative endeavors.  Renewed excitement in work, career or a vocation. Artistic gifts manifesting in different forms.  Showing the world how amazing you are. Having the courage to follow your convictions.  Trusting your inner guidance to empower yourself and go after your dreams.  You may also feel strongly guided to develop and grow a stronger inner life.

Four's, according to Angel Tarot, represent stability and balance.  Even if you are not feeling grounded at all in your day-to-day life, a specific four's message would remind you how to anchor more solidly in your present situation.  

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However, if this card reveals itself in a reading and you are in a neutral or semi-happy place in your life, the messages would indicate reminders of what to keep focusing on.  

The images for the Four of Spring in both my Fairy Tarot deck and Archangel Power Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine show a beautiful, whimsical illustration of a happy, dancing couple.

There is a castle in the background (could indicate a new home in your future or a renewed feeling of being home), flowers are blooming (an abundance of new ideas are blooming), the sky is blue (reach for new heights) and the overall feeling is of celebration, revelry and happy times (reminders to get outside and play, dance and move.)

This can be a direct correlation to the questioner's life - perhaps there is an impending engagement or marriage?  If this is the case then the Four of Spring would indicate this a fortuitous time for the couple.

This card can also reflect an invitation to an upcoming engagement, anniversary  or wedding.  It will be in your best interest to attend the festivities as the energy there will be a wonderful reminder of happy times.  

This will rekindle the memory of how much you love the feeling of joy and laughter simply for its sheer simplicity.  

Now, what gets interesting is if this card shows up and the person is either single or at a rough spot in their relationship.  When I see the Four of Spring in the present moment location or most-likely-outcome placement, then I know intuitively there is a huge opportunity for an up-leveling within the current situation.

What exactly is an up-leveling?  Let me explain.  

It is not unusual for a couple to hit a plateau or several plateau's within their relationship.  They may even question if they should continue forth.  

If this card reveals itself in a reading, I would know that the relationship definitely has a chance.  

The caveat being that it cannot sustain itself in the current level of energy.  Both people are literally burnt out on the same old arguments and same old way of being.

However, by focusing on falling-back-in-love with who you both fully are now, (not who you used to be or who you think the other person needs to be to meet your current standards) this will renew or up-level the relationship.  

The question then becomes, "Can you be in acceptance of who the other person is without the knee-jerk response to fix, rescue, change or save?"

This is a huge, powerful statement and realization.  Feel free to reread the above passage and let that sink in.  

Remember this is the suit of excitement, celebration, passion, energy, following dreams, resurgence in careers and becoming more true to the artist within (however that looks to you - art is a very broad word.)

True relationship up-leveling is the ultimate paradox because it requires you to source yourself.  

By falling back in love with your own life, the marriage or relationship catches back on fire.  Four's balance.  This four indicates you have a lot going for you that you might be overlooking.  

Celebrate who you are and what makes you uniquely you.  

If you are single and stuck in the loop of  looking for love, stop and ask yourself why the people you keep meeting are not a suitable match?  Here's the answer.

When we put out the energy of "looking for love" we also attract those who are, "looking for love."   Do you see what's happening?  You are both still looking.

Now is the time to reframe how you are wanting relationship.  Instead of looking - can you shift your focus on re-igniting your own passion for life?  Rekindle the flames of creativity.

When you fulfill yourself and are full of excitement, gratitude and well-being you will attract (romantic or otherwise) those who also have the same qualities.

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Neither one of you will be looking for the other person to "fire you up" because we all know that isn't practical or sustainable.  No one wants that job because it's exhausting.

The Four of Spring reminds you of the beauty, passion and grace in your life at this moment.  Celebrate the little things and celebrate the big things.  

Most importantly of all, take inventory of all the fabulous soul gifts you presently have in this lifetime.  

This is a very joyful time.  This day will never come again in this exact way, with the exact people present and the exact memories that make it up.  

Take pride in your accomplishments. Enjoy the peace and contentment this moment offers.  You have always been worthy and you've always been enough.

Think of at least four things that are going right in your life today.  Can you thank yourself for taking a moment to remember these and many, many more? 


I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, my friend.

With Love and Light,


p.s. Are you curious about whether a Private Angel Card Reading is right for you? Click here to discover more.

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