Angel Card Message: Page of Summer (meeting someone trustworthy)

By nature the Page or Messenger energy tends to be more shy, introverted and reflective. And going a bit deeper here, the energy in Court Cards often embodies how you are currently feeling or it reflects someone you know or will soon meet that personifies these traits.

So, on with the show. What does the Page symbolize?  And how does her image speak to the suit she embodies - in this case Summer?

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Personally, I find that background information is helpful in viewing the card.  In doing readings the first thing my eyes are typically drawn to is the suit and then the corresponding number.  If it's above the number 10 then I see which Court Card made it's appearance.  

Then, I begin to look at the image or picture shown.  

This is not everyone's way of reading and that is perfectly fine.  I like to share with you and others what I see and how it speaks to me in helping relay the message, the story as it were.

Most of the Page's energy tends to be shy and reserved.  That is definitely the case with this card.  I often refer to the Page of Summer as the shyest card in the entire deck of Angel Tarot, which encompasses 78 cards.  

She prefers her own company.  Not because she is an introvert or painfully shy.  Mostly it’s because she is such a dreamer.  Cups represent our connection to emotions, heart-based thinking and heightened intuition.  Often times a Summer card embodies psychic abilities that are beginning to manifest more openly and clearly in our lives.

Our Page is whimsical, beautiful and loves being in her garden.  Anywhere out in nature, amongst other living things is her preferred element - hands down!  

Because of this she tends to turn down invitations to social events such as birthdays, engagements, weddings and gatherings.

However, at this time it is necessary to rethink the knee-jerk reaction to say no.  The Page is the messenger reminding us to be more social at this time.  There is someone you are meant to meet for the first time or an old acquaintance that is important to reconnect with.  

The connection between you and this person will be an important one of the heart and deep emotions.  I often tell people it's like the meeting of a new, "old soul."

You know the one.  

Recall a situation where you met someone for the very first time, yet there is something so familiar and comfortable. Like you've known them all your life.  It's the feeling of, "oh... there you are.  I was wondering when you were going to show up."

This is the energy of the Page of Summer.  

Because Page's are messengers, the message of familiarity you receive  could be in the  form of a phone call, text, email or meeting that inspires the intuitive "spark" in you.  

The kinship between this person and you generates such a heartfelt, emotional feeling that you now know you can share your thoughts with them.  It's safe.  It's truly safe to be you.  

No more masks.  No more shapeshifting.  You can free yourself of those heavy shackles of thinking you need to be someone else in their eyes in order to be loved.

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Another important message that comes with this card is the giving or receiving of an apology.  It is long overdue.  You may be ready to give one to someone else.  

Or they may be at the point in their life where they can actually give one to you that is truly from their heart.  Either way, this is a very strong possibility at this time.  

One of you or both of you have reflected on the heavy cost of holding tight to your belief of being right.  When, in all reality, neither of you had all the correct information to make a sound decision.  

This card reflects a change of heart.  A shifting in perspective of realizing you both were in a different place and had a lot going on.  Miscommunication and misunderstanding was at the root of the disagreement.  

The friendship is ready to come back together, this time at a deeper level of connection.  In the end, you realize you are both humans doing the best you can. 

The other important message that comes along with the Page of Cups is heightened, lively dreams.  These dreams are completely intertwined and woven to your intuition and psyche.  As Rumi, the 13th Century Sufi poet, describes so eloquently, "the morning breeze has secrets to tell, do not go back to sleep."

If you are woken up in the early morning hours.  Rise.  Get up.  Listen to the sounds of your heart.  What is it saying? Do you need to write or paint?  Do you need to meditate or listen to music?  Do you feel called to read or journal?  

Whatever "it" is, you must do it.  This is from your intuition, your Future Self, the part of you that needs to be heard, seen and felt.  Do not go back to sleep, my dear friend.  Do not go back to sleep.

 What are the whisperings of your heart?  What is it that longs to be heard?  What is singing to you right now that makes you smile just thinking about it? 

My hope is that this information helps to inspire you to work more closely with these beautiful and amazing celestial beings. They work lovingly to supply you with the messages and guidance you need in order to have a happier, more peaceful and joyful life.

If this article is speaking to you on a deep level, I encourage you to reach out to me to schedule your own Private Angel Reading. The angels have subtle ways of working with you. Their wish is to get clear, helpful and loving guidance across in a way you understand.

Sometimes we can hear it, but often times we cannot.

We are not meant to travel this human life alone, sweetheart. You are surrounded by so many loving, ascended beings that are simply waiting to assist you. Waiting for you to reach back. Let them.

They are the loving messengers of the Divine and their only job on Earth is to bring you peace of mind, happiness in life and a full heart.


Here's to living fully and flourishing!

With love and light,

“a trusted voice to your angels and guides”

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