Miracles: When Angels Rush In

People pray for them. Others hope for them. Sometimes we even find ourselves saying it when there’s an event that logic, reasoning and rationale simply can’t explain.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself on more than one occasion saying, “I need a miracle” or “It would take a miracle” or “That was an absolute miracle!”

As humans we are naturally curious and frequently seek out answers, solutions and guidance. Sometimes we find it through other people, but more often than not we find it through a teaching. The teaching might be scriptural and religious in nature. It could be more practical and pragmatic and come about through seemingly random and unexpected events.

Other times, guidance might find us through a song lyric, a line in a television program, podcast, social media post or conversation with a friend.

Regardless of how the “teaching” or guidance finds its way to you, it offers a huge sigh of relief. For a brief moment in time you feel within every fiber of your being that the unseen world has spoken. To you. For you.

It’s the ultimate irony and divine paradox. To try to explain this phenomenon diminishes it. Yet you know the unseen world made itself known. A miracle occurred. Was it an angel that helped? Was it a spirit guide? Was it a passed over loved one?

Depending on the belief system you were raised with or a newer one that has called to you, the answers will vary. Why? Because as humans we are complex beings.

Our brains are designed to seek out patterns of familiarity. So when something new is introduced we unconsciously look for a similar concept to help us understand it. This is a fantastic piece of software, if you think about it. Our subconscious memories are constantly looking for ways to connect us whether we are aware of it or not.

What I’ve found in working intimately and closely with the angelic realm is it can be challenging to describe to others. Yet, people are fascinated. They want more. They want to talk and share and connect around this beautiful realm that can be so hard to put to words.

We want to talk freely in a way that is non-judgmental, non-critical and not fear-based.

What I do know is this . . .

The angels are compassionate beings of love and light. They want to help us. They want to bring us peace.

They love helping to bring like-minded people together. No walls, chains or fences. Only gates, bridges and roads leading from one heart to another.

A miracle is deeply personal and comes in a way you least expect ~ at the perfect time. Not necessarily on human time (i.e. when we think it needs to happen) but on Divine time.

All the pieces and parts come together and the solution, answer, guidance and help you most need are answered in a way that literally takes your breath away.

I’d encourage you to also see the magnificence in the small details and miracles of your life. What I mean is, a miracle can be the way your angel blows grace into your ear and allows a different perspective of seeing a situation or a different approach to a dilemma than the one you’d been clinging to.

From this perspective, it offers relief and an “a-ha” moment of clarity. So, be open to the creative ways your angels are continuing to shower you with daily miracles.

You may even want to start a daily Miracle Journal and list at least one small or big miracle that happened to you that day. Begin to see the beautiful unfolding of Life working in your favor, rather than against it.

Here’s a prompt for your first journal entry.
One way I experienced a miracle today is:

With love and light,

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Between Emotional Triggers...Physical Blockages...Mindset Limitations...Negative Spiritual Energy...or whatever else, we have a lot to work through sometimes. Spiritual Life Coaching is a great way to navigate such things.

I am a Spiritual Life Coach specializing in the Angelic Realm, Manifestation, and Spirituality.

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