divine assistance

The Wisdom of Angel Readings and Why They Work

Are you curious and fascinated by the world of Card Reading and Angelic Messages? Have you had a reading yourself or has someone you know had one and it left you surprised and stunned at the accuracy of the messages? This accuracy can be very eye-opening and introspective for people.

After doing hundreds of Angel Card Readings myself with clients, I frequently hear that the messages are much softer, kinder and gentler then anticipated. This is quite refreshing, helpful and quite honestly - a welcome relief - to those receiving the reading.

What you need to know about the 7 abundance angels

Most people I’ve met believe in angels. They trust and know that there is something beyond our realm of understanding that is tapped into the Divine. Many of us may not completely or fully understand how angelic guidance works, but we know it’s there. The invisible world in it’s own miraculous ways makes itself known.

Not everyone knows as much about the Archangel realm. Or, if they do know a little bit about it, they may not know the specifics behind their talents and skills.

Although this article will not be exhaustive by any means, my aim is to help you have a better understanding of the seven archangels that are considered abundance masters.

Why angel readings shed light on hope

The angels are constantly communicating with you. Their mission is to help make your life easier, more joyful and less stressful. They are wildly crazy about you and love helping you. Many of the ways they leave signs for us is through feathers, pennies, rainbows and butterflies.

But, did you know that one of the easiest way to cut through the mental chatter and get message directly to your soul is through cards?

Why? Because cards have images and illustrations that speak to our psyche. It was our first language when we were young. Long before language, we spoke pictures. And as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.