This is Not a Race, This is Your Life

Without a doubt, the world is running at a faster pace than ever. We live in times where you can download, upload and “buy now” with little to no time delay. With all this instant gratification we are theoretically “freed up” to work on other, more important things that we desire.

But the big question is, are we able to easily unweave and untangle from this adrenaline rush and ease into balance and well-being?

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Whether we like it or not, as a society we tend to pride ourselves on how many balls in the air we are able to juggle. In fact, we tend to wear it as a badge of honor. “Look how many tasks I can cram into an already full list?”

We think we are so efficient.

We feel like we can conquer that to-do list everyday. Then maybe someday later on in the distant future, we’ll get a much needed break.

  • Perhaps a 2-week vacation to unwind and get away from it all?

  • Maybe an early retirement to move somewhere different and then life will finally slow down.

Here’s the deal, those are only band-aid approaches to a very chronic, very serious epidemic of over-extending and under-valuing your current life.

Because the truth is you may certainly be juggling plenty of tasks, but how is the quality of each individual ball (or task)?

Let’s say you take that 2-week dream vacation to a far-off, exotic locale. For most chronic workaholics and worry-aholics it will take a good week to finally let down and begin to semi-relax. The last few days might be among the most enjoyable. Maybe.

The question is - Are you truly able to embrace ease?

Or, have you packed your vacation schedule with back-to-back adventures and sight-seeing trips? With such a packed schedule it can feel eerily similar to the tension, anxiety and stress that was so familiar in your non-vacation days.

No wonder the thought of I need a vacation from my vacation is uttered by so many well meaning, yet overwhelmed people.

Let’s look at the other scenario. The one where you move somewhere else for part of the year. Remember, this is to “finally get away from all the pressure and deadlines and drama of my stressful life.”

The different setting is intended to be the magic elixir that solves all your problems, right? Well…let’s dive a bit deeper on this one for a moment, shall we?

I am reminded of the quote by Jon Kabat-Zinn, “where-ever you go, there you are.”

If you’re addicted to drama. If you’re addicted to chaos and crazy-makers. If you’re addicted to suffering and struggle. If you’re addicted to under-valuing your own life and soothing it with an overly extended social life, then guess what?

The future will show up looking very much like the past. That winter or summer getaway is simply an extension of who you really are. Nothing changes except the weather.

The truth is that whatever your core beliefs are that you’ve held onto since childhood, they will undoubtedly follow you around like a shadow.

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The very thing you wanted so desperately to shift away from and outgrow is the very thing that begins to show up over and over again.

Even with a move.

Even with a high dollar vacation.

Even with finding a new set of friends or co-workers.

Do not despair - hope and help is on the way!

Multi-tasking, addictions and constant chaos are subconscious balms we put on our wounds. These are high functioning avoidance strategies, make no mistake.

They keep us in a heightened state of alert. We might feel justified as we speedily race through our to-do list and on fire.

The bigger question becomes, are you even enjoying your life? Or do you feel you’re in constant reaction to others needs and wants?

The truth is, if we are fussing and worrying about others then we take the focus off of ourselves. We can keep the inner rumblings of self-growth and awakening at bay. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but it is oh so common.

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Uni-tasking, or one-pointed awareness, is a way to drop back into your life in a soft and gentle way. And contrary to popular belief, it is not just relegated to a select few.

This is where we commit to doing one task at a time with a quality over quantity mindset.

How exactly do you make this shift (especially if you’ve tried countless times before with limited success?)

How exactly do you know the one area of your life to focus on with reverance?

How do you begin to fall back in love with your life?

How do you get off the emotional roller-coaster of someone else’s life and stay centered in your own?

That’s where I come in as your trusted guide. During an Angel Card Reading, your angels and guides tell me the area of your life to focus on. They communicate to me exactly what you need to know. And exactly where to put your attention and intention for a happy, joyful, soul-centered life.

So many clients have struggled in this area and I want you to know that you don’t need to go through this alone. Help and loving angelic guidance is your birthright.

You may question this and wonder if your angels are really around you. And you may even wonder if they’ve received your prayers.

What I can tell you is that your Angels hear your prayers loud and clear. I guarantee you, they are being answered.

Once you tune into your Angel’s messages, your life literally becomes a Vein of Gold.

  • You will easily begin to find beauty in the most practical, day-to-day tasks.

  • You will finally feel moments in the day where life truly is on your terms.

  • You are free to feel how you want to feel and do what you want to do - Guilt Free!

  • While doing laundry, feelings of gratitude will bubble up towards the clothes that dress you.

  • While driving or taking public transportation, you’ll begin to thank these modes of transport for getting you where you need to go safely.

  • While cooking or preparing meals, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the foods that support your connection to vibrant health. They love nourishing you.

There are countless examples of ways you’ll begin embracing the life you are currently living. By connecting to your angels loving guidance you will truly begin to feel your heart open wide to what’s right in front of you.

You will start to find that you look forward to the day-to-day tasks. Clarity, insight, confidence and purpose are yours for the taking.

With Love and Light,


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