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The Courses in Angel Academy are user-friendly and anyone, regardless of experience, will benefit. The best part? I lovingly hold your hand every step of the way through each section. Think of me as your guide to a world where content comes to life and you begin to see yourself in a completely different light. One filled with a never-ending supply of magic and miracles.

Welcome to Angel Academy. Let the learning journey begin.


Balancing the Chakras with Healing Angels

The powerful healing combination of Chakras and Angels will balance your physical and subtle body systems in a way that supports your current health and healing practice. Discover powerful and illuminating ways to help supercharge your body with a blend of ancient techniques from the East and healing blessings from the celestial realm.

  • Lesson 1: Chakra Centers and Healing Angels overview

  • Lesson 2: First Chakra (Muladahra) and Angels of Divine Grounding

  • Lesson 3: Second Chakra (Svadhisthana) and Angels of Divine Emotions

  • Lesson 4: Third Chakra (Manipura) and Angels of Divine Soul Esteem

  • Lesson 5: Fourth Chakra (Anahata) and Angels of Divine Love

  • Lesson 6: Fifth Chakra (Visuddha) and Angels of Divine Communication

  • Lesson 7: Sixth Chakra (Ajna) and Angels of Divine Sight

  • Lesson 8: Seventh Chakra (Sahasrara) and Angels of Divine Awakening

  • BONUS Lesson 💚 Life Enhancing Foods, Herbs and Teas to Calm, Soothe and Balance your body for thriving health

Includes a unique blend of helpful resources, such as blessing prayers, activity’s, exercises, affirmations, mantras, healing crystals, visualizations, meditation to balance and awaken the chakra centers and so much more.

Course available immediately and on-demand.


Magic and Miracles of the Archangel Realm

The archangels want to help you live a healthier, happier life. And as unlimited beings, they can assist everyone simultaneously. This fascinating course will teach you which ones to call upon for various situations.

  • Lesson 1 - Archangel’s Michael & Metatron (Divine Protection)

  • Lesson 2 - Archangel’s Raphael & Ariel (Divine Healing)

  • Lesson 3 - Archangel’s Jophiel & Chamuel (Divine Vision & Insight)

  • Lesson 4 - Archangel’s Gabriel & Haniel (Divine Creativity & Intuition)

  • Lesson 5 - Archangel’s Raziel & Uriel (Divine Light & Miracles)

  • Lesson 6 - Archangel’s Zadkiel & Jeremiel (Divine Compassion)

  • Lesson 7 - Archangel’s Sandalphon & Raguel (Divine Messages)

  • Lesson 8 - Archangel Azrael & Mary, Queen of the Angels (Divine Grace)

Includes a unique blend of helpful resources, such as blessing prayers, activity’s, exercises, visualizations, meditation to meet the archangels and so much more.

Course available immediately and on-demand.


Angel Course Masterclass

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Working with the angels is a direct invitation for you to experience EXTRA SUPPORT and you will get to know them in a much deeper and profound way.

  • Module 1: Laying the foundation - get to know who’s who in the angelic realm as well as creative signs, symbols and images

  • Module 2: Abundance & Prosperity Angels

  • Module 3: Angels of Relationship

  • Module 4: Angels of Medicine & Healing

  • Module 5: Career and Life Purpose Angels

  • Module 6: The 15 Principal Archangels

  • Module 7: Advanced Techniques

Includes a unique blend of resources such as handouts, demonstrations, powerful exercises, life-changing activity’s, journaling, meditations for meeting your guardian angels, archangels and bathing yourself in sacred light.

20 hours of powerful content. Available immediately. Lifetime access.

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Tarot is a powerful tool that works in miraculous and uncannily accurate ways to build a stronger connection to the Divine.

  • Helpful tips for getting started

  • Downloadable handouts

  • History of Tarot cards

  • How-to care for, bless and store your deck

  • Meet ALL the cards in a 78-card Tarot deck

  • In-depth information on the Major Arcana as well as the four suits of the Minor Arcana

  • 1, 3 and 10-Card readings demonstrations

  • Discover how-to read for yourself and others and so much more.

Over 3-hours of powerful content. Available immediately. Lifetime access.


“Joanna is an amazing intuitive and teacher. Before I purchased the Angel Course Masterclass, I still felt a certain disconnect from my angels, not really knowing if they supported me and wanted to help me. I now own both courses (Tarot and Angels) and am SO happy that I own them. It’s such a HUGE part of my recovery and discovering what my purpose is in this lifetime. Joanna has helped me connect with my angels in a way I never have before and has lovingly guided me down the spiritual path I have now. I highly recommend these courses!!!! I know you’ll LOVE them as much as I do.”

~Arielle C. Mom to two beautiful girls and lifelong student


“I really love Joanna’s classes. I am learning SO much and had no idea there were certain angels to help me out with all my problems. In the Tarot course, I learned that cards I thought were “scary” or “frightening” were meant to inform me and help me make decisions in my highest good. This is the best investment I’ve made in a long time and recommend these courses to anyone who is on the fence and needs answers to all their problems.”

~ Mitzi G. Realtor, grandmother and Jimmy Buffett fan

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“Hello Joanna, I just completed the Tarot Card Reading course. Loved it!!! Much more insight into the cards, than just reading the booklets. THANK YOU so much!!!

~ Bonita W. Empath, reiki healer, mother



More courses added regularly. Check back soon!