Horses and Yoga and Centering, Oh My!

Finding yourself tethered to the invisible leash of technology?  Are the shackles that bind you to the cyber-world feeling heavier and heavier by the day?  Who hasn't felt the strong pull of answering e-mails, texts, private messages, tweets, comments and phone messages immediately?  We live in amazing times, to be sure, where connecting to each other has never been easier.  Social media has ushered in an unprecedented era for reaching out.  Many of us are finely tuned gold medalists in keeping up with news feeds, buying all types of goods with a few clicks of the mouse, attending webinars, listening to podcasts, radio programs, watching Netflix and Skyping-- just to name a few.

There are enormous benefits from these gifts. However, it begs the question, 'at what cost?'  Are we in synch with our own needs and taking time out of each day to nourish ourselves? Don't get me wrong, I know this can indeed be a very slippery slope.  Often we  justify to ourselves and others why we are always "busy" or hooked into technology. We too easily disconnect from our "inner-net" in search of what's to be found on the internet.

Walking the fine line of technology and attending carefully to one's "inner domain" is one that many are finding more difficult to balance.  Who hasn't jumped on-line to surf the web "just to check something out quickly" only to find that three hours has just passed? Or, you sit down to watch a favorite TV program and by the time you finally turn the TV off it's well after 10:30 p.m.? The signs of inner dis-connection come on slow and steady.  The tell-tale signs of exhaustion, edginess, insomnia, feelings of unworthiness, weight issues, and irritability stalk us throughout our days and nights.

Dr. Robert Holden, co-author of Life Loves You, speaks about the lands collectively known as "more, next and there."  They begin to rule our inner lives when we are separated from our heart center. Leading us on the never ending loop of pursuing, having and owning the "next thing." The intellectual, thinking mind can easily run around untethered having us believe these pervasive thoughts that we are less than perfect. The more access we have to media and subtle/not-so-subtle advertising can be a heavy price.  Even when we think we aren't buying into it, over time it works its way into our psyches. Our thoughts are precious commodities that need to be guarded very, very carefully.

Is there an end in sight? YES!  What I've come to know from experience is this: That working in a small group setting can help us excel in ways we could never do alone. Group energy aligned with focused awareness is absolutely staggering in its transformational results.  Long time practitioners of yoga can easily attest to this.  Avid students of the horse agree to this amazing phenomenon, too.  Many a time I have participated in a workshop, clinic or retreat only to find I could perform movements or poses with balance, timing and precision that I was unable to do at home.  I was curious as to what was going on. After years of this happening in both yoga classes and the arena I came to this conclusion: masterful guidance and trust.  Feeling myself safely and faithfully guided by an experienced teacher is like nectar to my soul.

This phenomenon is not uncommon. Attendees in multiple disciplines experience this feeling of connectedness and belonging.  I do not feel it is because the instructor necessarily pushes us above and beyond our capabilities. Rather, it's their belief in themselves and us that moves the energy.  Like most great mentors they merely allow us to push ourselves through our own perceived limits.  They demonstrate what is possible by showing various stages in a movement broken down into do-able steps.  The end result is often times a beautifully crafted work of art-- visual or otherwise.  It is now up to us to flex our courage muscle. Do we stay small and in our self-prescribed comfort zone?  Or, do we expand what we think is possible for ourselves?

The healthy unplug from outside influences cannot be overlooked.  In a weekend or week-long setting our focused intention is a gift to ourselves.  We've most likely spent months thinking about and preparing for this sacred time.  Unplugging, centering and rebooting rank high on the list.  We allow ourselves to learn, grow, laugh, discover and view challenges more playfully.  Is it any wonder that we can effortlessly achieve break-throughs when we are less stressed? We feel liberated at firing the inner perfectionist for the weekend.  You easily cheer on those around you who are having their own break-through transformational moments. And, they cheer on you.

In the vein of personal enrichment and rebooting the inner guidance system we (Eric and myself) are offering an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience. This summer join us for a weekend dedicated solely to you and your growth! We seamlessly blend the wisdom teachings of yoga, meditation, visualizations, and horses to help you de-stress and unplug. Enjoy the small group atmosphere that allows us to work uniquely with you, the yogi, and your weekend horse friend we lovingly provide for you.  Present moment be-here-now energy is the gift of the horse. Connect with them as they effortlessly connect with you.  Allow them to help guide you in rebooting your amazing inner-guidance system.

All levels of yogis and horse lovers welcome.  Come as you are, be amongst friends, beautiful smiles welcome.  Discover more information here: Horses and Yoga Retreat Weekend.  

Happy Trails Adventurers!


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Check out upcoming classes: The Power of Your Spirit Class, Wisdom and Oracle Cards,  Second Saturdays Yoga,  Private Readings