Inner Magic Lamp--(better than a Lotto ticket!)

Who hasn't thought about how wonderful it would be to find a magic lamp? Three wishes. Done and done! But, wait.. how do we truly decide? How can we possibly narrow it down? When pressed most people overwhelmingly place enormous amounts of money at the top of the list. After this it becomes more fuzzy because with all the money we could possibly want, what else do we need?  Perhaps we wish for perfect health, creating our own business, traveling more or spending quality time with friends and family.

The tag lines read 'all wishes granted' and the 'Happiness Genie.'

The tag lines read 'all wishes granted' and the 'Happiness Genie.'

What I find fascinating is to observe the energetic change in people when presented with the possibility of magic wishes. Or, becoming the winner of a high-stakes Lottery ticket.  Typically hesitant at first due to long-ingrained habituated small time thinking. However, when allowed to dream big...No, bigger! our minds feel the excitement. Wow! Dream car. Dream house. Dream career.  Dream vacations.  Flying First Class. Flying ourselves and friends first-class on an amazing Getaway trip! Setting up a charity. Donating a million dollars. No limits.  No holds bar.  Double Wow!!!

For a time the excitement is palpable- you can taste it.  You feel the excitement of going to the dealership and paying cash.  Wide grin as you drive your brand new vehicle off the lot, singing along to your favorite song.  Moving into the house of your dreams.  Perhaps lounging on the couch, arms stretched out as you look around knowing it's all yours. Mortgage free.  Big smile from ear to ear. Sitting down in your first class seat on that flight to Paris or Rome.  Flight attendants circulating.  Checking your comfort. Making sure you have everything you need. Then, arriving at the airport. Picked up by a private driver. Staying at a luxurious 5-star Hotel.  Looking forward to your upcoming Spa appointment. Ahhhh...this is the life!

And yet... and yet you shake yourself out of the dream-like trance when even the smallest memory of your current "limited life" pops into your head.  What's the use we say?  That will never happen to me.  Who am I kidding?  Some people have all the luck and I'm not one of them.  Back to the grindstone for me.  And, just like that we put away those dreams.  Try to think about something else.  Anything else.  We don't want to feel the discomfort of our "real life" versus our "dream life."

Living and thinking "as if" you already have what you want is powerful.  It's based on the simple yet profound belief system of "we are our thoughts."  If we never allow ourselves to think big, dream big and feel big we'll never live it.  It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The step that's had the most profound transformational impact on my life is the step right after thinking and dreaming.  To actually feel the excitement surrounding the amazing end results achieved is the key.

"shoot for the moon because even if you miss you're still amongst the stars"   unknown author

For years I had written and posted positive affirmations all over my house.  I really wanted them to work.  I mean they worked for the people I most admired so why not me?  I would do pretty good for a few months and then, frustrated by poor results, I would rip them off the wall. Thrown away.  Where they belong.  I'd ask myself over and over why don't these work? What's wrong with me? The answer I had come up with is-- it must be me.  I'm doing this wrong.  All wrong.  Thus, the cycle of me beating myself up for not being perfect would begin. Again.

Then, last year the most amazing thing happened.  I was participating in a Worthy Group Coaching Class.  The facilitator, Nancy Levin, mentioned the importance of seeing ourselves as already worthy of all we desire.  Not just a few select desires.  All of them.  The feeling around already having what we want in the physical realm is more important than the object or achievement. If we only focus on the object or achievement, once we get it we won't be satisfied for long. Soon, we'll need the next thing and the next thing and the next...

Is this really the only way we see ourselves as making tons of money?  

Is this really the only way we see ourselves as making tons of money?  

Just look at the statistics of lottery winners and folks receiving a windfall inheritance. Most of them feel deep down they don't deserve it so they spend it foolishly. Running it down to a level of income they are more comfortable with. And, that is usually quite small.  Or, the flip side of instant money is to hoard it.  Denying themselves any enjoyment in spending it.  What's the trick to pushing past this rollercoaster mindset?

The answer: Shifting our thoughts to seeing ourselves as a walking lottery winner.  Aladdin's lamp and three wishes?  Forget about it! That's amateur hour.  My magic lamp has unlimited wishes. I'm the one who defines my limitations.  Now is the time for limit-less living.  Not later.  Now.

For just a few minutes a day I feel the excitement of already having the dream car. The dream house.  The dream career.  Dream vacation destinations. Sharing wealth. My awareness goes to that sacred, powerful, magically charged realm of laughter, friends, unlimited abundance and perfect health.  That feeling of full-on happiness is what we are truly after.  Why do we want all that money in the first place? To be happy and live with no strings attached!

Giving our minds the consistent visualization of already living our dream life coupled with feeling free is riveting.  Imagine being free to live life on your terms.  Free to be who you were meant to be.  By allowing ourselves to move closer to this realm we also inspire others to believe in themselves. Not by proselytizing and forcing it on others. No, no, no. Simply being more and more of who we are meant to be.  That is a powerful motivator right there.  People can't help but think 'what kind of Kool-aid are they drinking?' Because whatever it is--I need some of that.

Go for it! You got this! And remember, you are the magic lamp in your life...

Cheering for you,  Joanna   

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