Life is an Adventure...(Not a Package Tour)

I literally laughed out loud recently when I heard this passage. I was listening to an internet radio show and the host was giving advice to a caller who was bemoaning their life circumstances. After several minutes the host said, "I'm going to share a quote with you from Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle--'life is an adventure, not a pre-packaged tour'." Nothing quite gets to the heart of a dialogue like humor. I've heard the reference to the beginning of the saying many, many times. The package tour reference was new to me.

Deep in the forests of lower Himalayas. India.

Deep in the forests of lower Himalayas. India.

Reflecting on my own life I have to be honest--there are many times I felt life wasn't fair. I didn't want this kind of adventure, I'd tell myself. Who would? I wanted things to be easier, more predictable, smooth sailing and reliable. Of course, that isn't how it works all the time. I've come to learn these are precisely the moments that we can embrace the "challenges" and see them as opportunities. With that being said, it's taken me many years to see that navigating life's precarious seas is an acquired skilled. Deep respect for the craft takes time to learn. This awareness only comes from within.  When we are ready.

If you are like me sometimes it takes several experiences of trying to make things go your way before you learn to let go... step aside. Firing yourself as CEO of the Universe can be extremely freeing and intoxicating. For me, this has been pivotal to my emotional and spiritual growth.

"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."


Socially, in Western Civilization, we are encouraged from a young age to compete with each other, study intensely, move up the corporate ladder and pretty much do whatever it takes to get the job done. Often times at someone else's expense or our own. In my experience, this is a very slippery slope. The cost is high. Too high for most. The price of the soul and our sanity should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

Lets be honest though...Who hasn't had the experience of wanting things to go our way? We are destined for it, we tell ourselves. Everyone else believes this way - why would I think any different? So, we work longer, push ourselves harder and make many, many sacrifices all in the name of getting what we want. Adventure? Who has time for that? I booked an all-inclusive tour and I am getting the itinerary I want. 

ChaZen Preserve. Vredefort, South Africa.

ChaZen Preserve. Vredefort, South Africa.

But.. is it worth it? What a heavy weight to carry, right? No room for stop-overs that don't fit into the schedule. To me, embracing life as an adventure means getting out of my own way. No longer telling life how things need to be. No longer placing time restrictions on myself that don't allow for tweaking. Insisting that lofty goals work out. Falling into the trap of thinking I'm only really talented at a few things. Working at a job I dislike for the sake of benefits. Believing the only way to happiness is by making a ton of money.

This subtle yet profound change beautifully embraces the softening of life. My word choices previously had a much harsher edge to them. I unconsciously found reasons to criticize or berate myself. Shifting perspectives is huge step in self-development. Now, I am keenly aware of the words I use in my daily vocabulary.  I ask myself questions like: Are my thoughts supporting me or sabotaging me? What do I really want to do today that embraces self-honoring? What creative sparks inside me need more attention? What does following my joy feel like? or look like?

"Success according to nature is about the expansion of happiness."

Deepak Chopra

I'm not really looking for answers to come right away as I ponder the questions. The gift is in the asking. I simply allow myself to think about these questions. It's the metaphysical paradox. I've learned that by not insisting on answers or pushing life, it can actually speak to me more clearly. Typically in ways that surprise me. I have inner courage to try things I hadn't before. I give myself permission to explore areas I had previously ignored completely. 

 A rare sighting. We were lucky this day. Pongola Preserve, South Africa.

 A rare sighting. We were lucky this day. Pongola Preserve, South Africa.

I encourage you to reflect on ways to support your own growth. Are there times you find reasons to beat yourself up mentally and emotionally? Can you flip the switch and shine the light on this pattern? When we become aware of what we are doing to sabotage ourselves, this is a key moment to embrace the opportunity to be kinder. Think of it this way: What would you tell a friend that was going through a tough time or acting in ways that were overly critical of themselves?

Start with that. You know you are full of wonderful support and guidance. Find a way to give this amazing advice to yourself. Perhaps you can write a poem or letter to yourself? I have done just that. I recently wrote a poem to myself. It was simple, yet powerful. Remember to be kind. Be gentle. Be supportive. Let it come from your heart.

Watch the magic unfold....

Tallyho fellow adventurer!   Joanna


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