Welcome to my blog...

Hello big, beautiful world!  Admittedly, for years I've been resisting the urge to delve fully into the territory of connecting through cyber space.  I think the term Luddite fits very appropriately here!  However, I have felt an undeniable calling to share thoughts, experiences, and personal transformative moments with a larger audience.  

I have come to realize that one person's story of healing is another persons story as well.  One person's wisdom gained from a challenging situation can be an invaluable asset to a fellow comrade.  We all laugh with delight in this human life.  Other times argue with our Maker about the heaviness of a series of unfortunate events. This life is what some describe as a wild ride.

I've always held curiosity around those who seem to thrive in the face of heavy circumstances.  Yet someone else, who had a very similar situation, would literally fold under pressure.  Never to rise up again.  

I believe that having an adventurer's heart has helped me the most.  And, by adventure I mean seeking out new experiences with curiosity and openness.  Traveling all over, coupled with living in various states and one foreign country, has helped keep my mind alive.  Grounding is cultivated by rooting myself to the mountains, fresh air, clean living and time spent with our beloved four-leggeds.    

My vision is to post a blog at least once a week.  Some weeks may be more if I feel particularly inspired.  I look forward to hearing from many of you as we grow this tribe together.

As always, feel free to share this link with others.  Signing up for email reminders will hopefully be a seamless, flawless experience for you.  Also, be sure to check out my full list of classes and offerings here.

Let's do this thing!